how much does your baby weigh??

holly was 6lb 11oz at birth and was 18lb 2oz at her 8mth check which was 3 weeks ago...
holly was 6lb 11oz at birth and was 18lb 2oz at her 8mth check which was 3 weeks ago...
Dylan was 7lb 8 1/2 when he was born and last week (when he was 13 weeks) he is now 15lbs 10 1/2oz :shock:
Ella was 7lbs 8.5oz at birth and weighed 17lbs 13oz at her 8 month check yesterday.
as 9lb 14oz at birth (born at 38 weeks)

13lb 11oz @ 6weeks


15lb 4oz today (10weeks 1 day)
He was 9lb 8oz at birth.

Then 15lb 6oz at 7 weeks and 2 days.

I haven't had him weighed since then but I put him on our scales and it said 1 stn 6lb :lol:
daftscotslass said:
Bee said:
Finlay was 5lb 7oz and was 17lb 2oz last week.

We had slow wieght gain too when bf'ing and he actually lost weight twice for some reason but then I had to put him onto formula cos of a car crash and the weight gain since has been daft :lol:

OMG he's overtaken Becky :lol:

Lisa, how spooky, Becky was 16lb 2oz at her last weigh in 3 weeks ago.

He's a fatty :lol:

No idea what he is now - getting him weighed on Tuesday. I'm thinking 19lbs something as he seems to be gaining average of 2lbs a fortnight :lol:
leland was 6lb5oz at birth (34 weeks) and at 38 weeks 2 days (near 9 months) he weigh 21lb03oz, his slowed down so much its unreal !!! he went into 6-9 month clothing at 4 monthys and still in it ( now starting 9-12 somethings lol) its mad !!!
Jessie was 8lb 5oz at birth and at 14 weeks was 15lb 15oz, she's formula fed and very hungry! She's also 64.5 cm long now.
Morgan was 8lb 12 at birth and is now 17lb 2 at nearly 8 months. :cheer:
Bethany was 5lb 9.5oz born and last week she weighed 14lbs!!
alex was 10lb 10oz at birth and he was weighed a week yesterday at just over 4 months and weighed 18lb 13oz
Ivy was born at 6pound 10oz and now at 6 weeks she is a grand total of.....................


Shes a little chunkster!!!! :D
aiden was 9lb 8oz at birth and last week (about 18 weeks) he was 21lbs exactly. he was 60cm when born and we measured him the other day and he's now 77cm :D big boy!
my daughter was 7 pounds 7 and a half ounces at birth and at 5 weeks i think she was 9 or 10 pounds ish. not taken her to clinic to be weighed for ages but yesterday i weighed myself and i was 105 pounds- then i weighed myself holding her and we were 129 pounds! so she must be 24 pounds now!
Jacob was 10 pounds 4 ounces at birth and when he was weighed at 8 weeks (after a smaller appetite due to a bad cold) he weighed 13 pounds! Woah!

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