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How much do you recycle??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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We have the coloured tubs and the brown bin but recently i have been saving all of the recylable plastics we get in and i am astounded how much there is!! i have saved in a fortnight....2 and a half black bin liners full of plastic i would have usually thrown away, i cant believe how much i have cut down what goes in the bin, yesterday when i put it out to be emtied, it was just under half full, where as before i would have had two black bags over.
My other half has started calling me "The Green Queen" Cheeky sod!
nowhere near as much as I should.... but we dont get the council to collect where we are. I do collect my bottles and take it to the supermarket recyling points... but not paper and plastics
not alot to be honest we have a paper dustbin and a garden waste one but thats it :oops:
I think we should get a roadside collection for plastic as that must be the most people get through the household what with all the packaging the supermarkets are wrapping stuff up in have you seen how much plastic 4 apples has?
Crikey, lots

Carrier bags (use canvas mainly though)
Veg peelings etc for compost
Chicken poo for compost
Cardboard etc (including loo roll insides, envelopes, cereal boxes, birthday cards, card ice cream tubs etc. You name it, if its card I recycle it)

Occasional things at the main recycling centre which we stockpile and go to once a month.

Old blankets
Batteries (never should be thrown in the bin but always recycled)
Garden waste
Anything else they recycle from mobile phones to clothes and shoes
Anything metal

Also give old books etc to charity shops

There is more we recycle but I can't think of it right now
Everything I can

Bottles, tins, cans, paper, compost, glass, cardboard
I never throw usable stuff away, I either sell it on ebay or give it to charity.

We have a good collection where I live, although we always end up taking the glass to the recycling centre because its fills up way to quick

I even collect my used stamps and ink cartidges and send them to charity.
Only glass at the moment because we don't have recycling boxes at our current house. When we move next weekend though I'll probably try and get paper recycled too.

Rach I don't think they have recycling for plastic because there are so many different types, and most people probably wouldn't know one from the other. The sorting costs, and cost to remelt it all would probably be more expensive than making new plastics. I think... :think:
leckershell said:
Rach I don't think they have recycling for plastic because there are so many different types, and most people probably wouldn't know one from the other. The sorting costs, and cost to remelt it all would probably be more expensive than making new plastics. I think... :think:

we take all the plastics to the main recycling points, we just try and be careful what we put in.
I recycle all i can, i've been being really good and sorting my mums rubbish too (we're in the same house).
I went to the local tip (sorry, recycling centre) and was SO PEED OFF when i was told to put all of my carefully sorted waste into the general bin because the others weren't in use!! What is the point of that!! (I took the rubbish back with me!)
do you know, i was just looking at the other posts here and most of the stuff misslarue and sherlock do, i do, apart from the ink cartriges (we take ages to use one!)
also i use the "dont throw it site" too and get alot of my unwanted stuff picked up by other people that use it again, thats a good idea, that and freecycle.
Also i have changed my washing up liquid, cleaners, and plug ins to these.....
my Local Tesco have them on the reduced section and i must admit i am quite impressed with the stuff, i usually use Fairy and this stuff is as good as that, i will pay full price for it as its good.
xrachx said:
do you know, i was just looking at the other posts here and most of the stuff misslarue and sherlock do, i do, apart from the ink cartriges (we take ages to use one!)

It takes me AGES to fill up a little bag of catridges................about 4 years in fact!! :lol: I started when me and my OH ran his business from home, so we were always priniting out stuff. I hardly use any now!
The stamps I have also been saving for about 4 years!! Charities can make money from them, but it takes ages to collect enough to send off.
im rubbish i dont recycle at all :oops:

i would if the facilities were right there infront of my nose, but they aren't, we dont get different bins, just one big black wheelie one!

the last company i worked for were big on it tho and i always used the correct bins (for paper, cans, plastic cups etc) but some people didnt- it used to really annoy me when i saw plastic cups in the normal waste bin when it was RIGHT NEXT TO the special cups bin! :wall:

my parents are very green they have a million different bins and all the lights in the house are energy saving etc- theyre very eco! im not thou, im too lazy :oops:
I have a load of old cartridges here, I was hoping to swap them at tesco for points but they don't take epson apparently :(

Apart from that we do

plastic bottles
Carrier bags

I want to do the plastic packaging for meat and stuff but the council don't collect it.
We recycle loads now and its AMAZING how much we used to throw away, like u said our bin is only half full now but it used to be overflowing... the downside is that our office/spare room looks like a recycling centre wen it all piles up :lol:
Urchin said:
I want to do the plastic packaging for meat and stuff but the council don't collect it.
They can go in them big bins in Tesco car park, i had to ring my council up to find out if they were able to go in them, they said yes as they dont empty those big bin things, its another company that collect from them and they are sent off to another area for recycling.
where i stay the council keep changing what they take and what they dont take :x we have 3 big wheely bins one for garden waste which stinks as they dont collect it enough, one is for general rubbish and the other used to be for plastic which was really good and we did use it alot but now they have changed it to just paper and no cardboard and when the binmen come they actually go through every bin to see what is in it :puke: .
but the girls nursery has started recycling and we take our stuff up there the girls love it as they get a sticker off the nursery if they bring stuff in.
does anyone have a glass box to put bottles in, we dont have it in this area but i could probabally fill a good few of these :oops:
We have orange sacks for plastic paper & tins that get collected every fortnight. I try to sort as much as I can but do get lazy & just chuck envelopes & things in the normal bin sometines.

Until about a month ago I never recycled glass or tins because I couldn't be bothered to wash them up :oops: and I have to take the glass to a bottle bank it doesn't get collected. I felt too guilty though so I've made an effort to recycle as much as possible.

We have green wheelie bins for garden waste so I do use that during the summer if I ever do the gardening (not that often!)
babydust said:
does anyone have a glass box to put bottles in, we dont have it in this area but i could probabally fill a good few of these :oops:

we do in bucks, but we've only had it about a year. They only collect it once a month, so we always end up taking it to the recycling centre at least once in the month.
we have two tubs collected weekly one for glass the other for tins, paper, plastic, our wheely is collected once a fortnight and has been so for over a year now. charity shops do well re leftovers. Got rid of our brown bin tho as you could only really put grass cuttings in it and our mower doesnt collect. Phoned the council who refused to collect it so it went on the bonfire...ironic really :roll:

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