when i had my son the maernity grant was only £100

i look back now and wonder how i managed
There are loads of ways to save money on buying baby stuff though
www.pampers.co.uk - will send you money off vouchers for nappies regularly and occasionally nappies too.
www.huggiesclub.com - as above with pampers
www.tesco.com/babyandtoddlerclub - will send out vouchers regularly for money off baby things along with magazines throughout the pregnancy up until the child is the age of 2 (i think?!)
www.boots.com/parentingclub - this is a new one that hasnt been about long but its excellent and well worth it

again regular magazines and vouchers up until the child is of a certain age, but this one also includes vouchers for a free huggies starter pack worth £25 (has changing bag, travel changing mat, pack at baby wipes, bottle of shampoo, and a few other bits as well as lots of vouchers) an avent starter pack worth £5, as well as vouchers for free beauty products if you register with them before you are 28 weeks pregnant
http://www.toysrus.co.uk/framestatic.as ... x?zone=Bru - this one is excellent if you have a toysrus near you when you join up they will send you vouchers which give you money off all the big things you need to buy cot etc, but all send out magazines regularly with vouchers too.
www.cowandgate.co.uk - regularly send out money off vouchers mainly for milk but have had vouchers for other things too.
www.smanutrition.co.uk - if you join up with sma they will send you through vouchers on a regualr basis for all different pregnancy and child related things, the sometimes offer a freebie when you join up though im not sure if there currently is one
www.mamuk.com - they did have a free teat offer and a free soother offer on their website as far as i am aware its only for the free teat now though
www.bounty.com - you can sign up to bounty online to claim your bounty packs if the midwife doesnt give you a card at the first booking in session, the first few packs are fab!
www.emmasdiary.co.uk - again you can sign up online to recieve your free mum to be gift pack if your midwife doesnt give you one at your booking in appointment last time i had one of these they werent that great but every little helps
http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/promotion ... dex.html#M get free first class train travel upgrades in certain areas (First Capital Connect and Southwest trains). Have a look at site from following link (offer is called MUMS2B First Class Upgrade).
http://www.nct.org.uk/local/events - check out the nct for their nearly new sales
- cots, prams, buggies, backpacks, baby bath, washable nappies, toys & clothes second hand
Always take advantage of BOGOF baby wipes. Tesco always have one brand or other on special offer, so stock up. NEVER buy them from Mothercare, they are dreadfully expensive.
If you have a Makro/Costco card, or know anyone who does, tag along with them and get the large packs of nappies. They'll last you ages, especially if when you're at home with baby you let them have a nappy breather on the changing mat once or twice a day (that'll save you at least 7-14 nappies per week).
Limit what clothes you buy in 0-3 months, they will grow it out in no time. Buy 3-6 for your 0-6 month old and 9-12 for your 6-12 month old. You'll ensure they get a decent wear out of the clothes.
Limit the toys you buy. Buy toys that encourage your childs development, but most babies are happy playing with anything they can grab hold of. Just make sure it's not hazardous. Plus the toys just clutter up their room, your room, the living room/bathroom/ (um everywhere)!!!
www.freecycle.org - join up to one in your local area people are always giving away old baby bits on there i got the most gorgeous moses basket off there a few weeks ago, and the best thing about it is its all free! you normally need to go and collect the items from the persons house but so far i have found most to either deliver the items or meet me in town and give me the items always worth asking if your interested and cant get to it
erm im sure theres a load more but thats all i can think of at the mo