how much did your LO weigh?

My first was 7lbs 15.5oz (half an oz off 8lbs) and was 8days overdue,
My second was 9lbs 4oz and was 9days overdue,
this little man i had scans at 28 and 33weeks and at 28weeks he was 3lbs 4oz and at 33weeks he was 5lbs 9oz
so seems he's putting on half a lb like normal so prob when i reach 34weeks in 3days he will be 6lbs :D

been told he will be about same weight as my second however if hes born at 39weeks due to being breech he will weigh a little under what she did but still big baby x
my son was born at 40+5 and weighed 3455g (after the meconium was out so probably a bit unreliable weight)
my daughter 40+1 and weighed 3680g
Lillia was born at 41 + 6 days and weighed 8lb 1oz
Alexa was born at 7 lb 1.3 oz.

You would never be able to tell by looking at her today.
She is now a 32 lb 22 month old. :S
Alfie was 7lb born at 38+2 and lacie was 6lb 4oz born at 38+1 they were both fine no problems at all x
1st was 6lbs 13 - 2nd was 7lb 13.. next one hopefully won't be 8lbs 13! lol

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