How much coke do you think I can have?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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I used to be at least a 2 glass a day girl when it comes to diet coke, then went off it completely during my 1st tri sickness. I've started fancying it again for the past week or so and have allowed myself a glass a day.

But I've had my glass today and want more now! I don't drink tea or coffee so don't have any other caffiene intake. Is it so bad if I have a couple of glasses a day? I guess I could switch to caffiene free but it isn't the same!

What would you do?
Sorry but the title of this thread :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

They say you can have up to 3 small glasses I think before you breach the caffeine limit but don't forget choc has caffeine in it too.
Mik said:
They say you can have up to 3 small glasses I think before you breach the caffeine limit but don't forget choc has caffeine in it too.

Oh rats, forgot about chocolate! Oh well, guess I'm gonna have a hyper baby then! :roll:
Ok just checked the mag I read this in the guideline is 400mg but they say try not to go up to that amount cos of some research from USA recently a can of coke has about 50mg and a bar or plain choc has 50mg and milk choc has 25mg. HTH but remember you still have to live your life and we are all fine and our mothers didn't avoid half the stuff we do now :hug:
I keep forgetting about this i had 3 cans last night as was at a birthday party :wall:
i have 2-3 cans a week. was drinking more but m/w told me off she said because this is my 6th pregnancy ect that im increasing my risks og getting GD.
Do you like the caffeine free diet coke? I've been having a couple of glasses of that a day (I'd love to drink moooore though!!)
Mik said:
Ok just checked the mag I read this in the guideline is 400mg but they say try not to go up to that amount cos of some research from USA recently a can of coke has about 50mg and a bar or plain choc has 50mg and milk choc has 25mg.

Thanks for looking that up for me Mik!

Think I'm gonna try to stick to one glass a day but not deny myself another if I want it. I know I have too much chocolate too and I really should be careful cos I have big babies (last one was 10lb and got stuck). Guess it's just a case of trying not to be naughty everyday, just every now and then!

Mik said:
but remember you still have to live your life and we are all fine and our mothers didn't avoid half the stuff we do now :hug:

True, and they will prob change the guidelines again in a year's time, like they always do. Don't think the advice has been the same in any of my pregnancies! And my kids are all fine :)
I worked out that the guideline amount is about 8 cans of coke, obviously thats without having caffeine in anything else through the day.
I looked it up before going to a friends wedding which was on the day I turned 12 weeks. Ive started fancying (and really enjoying) coke at the moment but Im sure it tastes different depending on whether its in a bottle or a can.
To be honest my craving till recently was cherry coke and I watched how much I drank but didnt limit myself if that makes sense. Like its been said when our parents were having us there was nothing like this and both me and my sister are fine. My mam just tells me to have what I fancy cause ive been such a nancy eater since getting pregnant, in 1st tri there was very little I would be able to eat :(

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