How much can I give him?

Damien is right piglet, I have just started to wean him and he will happily take 4 big ice cubes of food and then 3-4oz afterwards, and then another couple of ice cubes of fruit later on just before bedtime. Is this too much already? He loves his food and eats well off a spoon, has taken to weaning brilliantly, but is this too much already? he has been having solids properly for a week now and wasn't satisfied at all with one or two cubes for a proper meal.

If this is okie, will one jar of baby food be enough for him when I go out to Kent tomorrow, or should I take two just incase??

Thanks in advance! x
Hi Sami Abi has had big meals from the start and she's fine and gaining weight at a nice level, she used to have half a jar 2 meals a day, for about a month she has been having a full jar each meal time, let your little man guide you he wont eat what he doen't want :)
Aimee has been having solids for 2 weeks and she is already having 3 quite large meals then her milk. She wasn't happy with the suggested amount of food and she happily will happily polish half a tin of food at each meal, she would probally eat more but I'm not going to push her!
I'd say take 2 jars just to be on the safe side.
Hi Sami,

glad he likes his food, weaning is such fun isn't it?! We are nearly at the end of the third week of weaning now and he's having milk at 7am, then milk followed by four cubes at 11, milk at 2 and then five cubes at 5.30 followed by milk at 6.30. I've had to split this last feed as he is so hungry by 6 that he gets upset if he has to concentrate with eating and if I just give him milk he's hungry still and wakes up about an hour later wanting more. Seems to work and he hasn't cut back on this milk feed despite the food...? Last night I dropped the 2 oz he'd been having at 11pm and he went through to breakfast fine without any more feeds- (hooray- hope it wasn't a fluke!). Yesterday he had the sniffles and he only took one cube at breakfast but today he was right back up there again. I don't know- I think they will tell you how much they're ok with. As long as the milk amounts don't go below 20 oz (600ml) which is the recommended daily amount of milk for babies between 4-5 months (doesn't account for weight though I guess?)

I'd take 2 jars :)
He still guzzles his milk down, must still have about 20 - 25fl oz's a day! I gues she loves it all the more as it helps his reflux and he is sick less. I shall carry on as normal then and feed my little dude as much as he wants :D
He ate a whole banana yesterday puree'd!! Piggy :lol: I am so glad he loves food though amd seems to eat everything I give him :D
I dont think its too much, he is probably just going through a growth spurt and in a few weeks you will be worrying he isnt taking as much as he was then you will notice his clothes are getting too small. :D :D

Its been like that for me for the last 2 years, stopping and starting.

I would take the 2 cans. I dont think at that age you can over feed.

Have a lovely time.
Thanks for all the advice, will hopefully be a lovely day, Damien is meeting his Great Great Granny!!! :D
braydon is a big eater he has two 7 month jars one 4 month jar and 2 fruitt jars in one day lol then a buscuit for tea

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