How many weeks and days were you?


Never reached my due date and that annoyed me lol!!
My first was born 40+2 naturally
My second 40+5 induced due to growth problems
My third 40+6 naturally

And i hope my forth follows the same sort of pattern lol
DS who was a c-section was 37.5 weeks as he was breech
DD was bang on 39 weeks exactly by VBAC. x

That's reassuring! I had c section and I'd like to hopefully have a natural birth next time but didn't think I'd be able to. We're there any difficulties?

Sophie was born 40+3 by section.
Thomas was born 36 weeks exactly I will update when baby James is born lol xx
I was 39 weeks and 2 days with Joshua. He is my first and weighed 8lb exactly.x
1st was 40 weeks
2nd was 42 weeks
3rd was 39 weeks
and 4th and last was 38 weeks.

born naturally weighing 7lb 2 ozs

those extra 4 days were the longest of my life :rofl:
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Induced 41+5, Lo arrived naturally 41+6 xx

In the end, I was induced due to high bp and (itchy skin rashes in pregnancy) at 39+2, had a failed induction and had a c section at 39+5.
My water broke at 40+2 and delivered LO at 40+3 :)
42+3! Was induced at 42 weeks, nothing seemed to be working and was due for c-section at 42+2 but then managed to have a 'show' and get waters broken with an epidural in! LO then arrived the following day after nearly 14 hours of sintocinon drip!....being overdue sucked but LO was worth the wait! :)
Morgan 38 wks
meghan 39 wks
logan 40 wks(due date)
shannon arya 40+1 wks
Labour started 36+5 and born at 36+6 (after prem labour medically stopped at 30+3 and again at 35+6, impatient little Buggar)

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