How many teeth does your LO have?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Ky cut his two bottom teeth at 8months 1 week. ive been told they come like made after the first ones pop through, but now at 10months no signs and not even a hint that hes teething again!

how many teeth has your LO got and how old were they when they appeared?
Hi, my LO is 13 months and has 8 teeth.

She got her bottom to by 9 months, the top middle two by 10 and a half months, the next top two just before her 1st Birthday, and has just cut two big ones at the top in the past two weeks.

Your Lo will get his teeth soon don't worry, they all develop differently. He will probably get a few all at once before you know it. x
Cally has 2, so cute. She has had them alot earlier then Seren who didn't cut her first till 10 months
Green Bean has 4, (the top 2 aren't fully down though :) ) and he has 2 more top ones waiting to come through, poor little things gums are all swollen.
Oliver has his two bottom ones, which he's had for 6-8 weeks, and no signs of any more yet.
enough to consider stopping breastfeeding :lol: 5... three at the bottom, 2 at the top and theres a molar and some rosy cheekness going on... :think: shes nearly 10months.
8 at nearly 14 months. She got two bottom ones at 6 months, 2 top ones 9 months, and the other nightmare 4 corner ones at 10-11 months. She IS the slowest teether in the world once they start. It took her 5 months to grow her top teeth after they cut.
Finlay has 4 - 1st one cut at 6 months, next 2 within 9 days of the 1st coming in and the last 6 days after :D

Think there are more on the way just now
Riley has got 4! 2 at the bottom cane first and the top 2 are on the way out now too.
Ryan has no teeth yet BUT he has a sore bum for the first time in his life today! And he's done 3 YUCKY poo's when ussually he will only poop every other day so who knows?!!
littlepip said:
Ryan has no teeth yet BUT he has a sore bum for the first time in his life today! And he's done 3 YUCKY poo's when ussually he will only poop every other day so who knows?!!

Same as Ella! But nothing and no signs!
5, two on the bottom, two front ones and one fang - number 6 at the bottom is just breaking through too
Let me remember, Oh yeah none :lol: Had all the signs plenty of times but no teeth yet!
2... He got his first bottom on his 8 month birthday and the one next to it appeared this morning after over a week of REALLY yucky nappies and sore bottom. Whoop, whoop!

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