I have a long cycle so I tend ov late, looking back at my sticks I got a +opk on CD 18 and was + until CD 20 after that opks went back to only the control line.
thank you so much ladies. I have been using the opks since day 10 and only very very faint lines (so negatives I mean) todayis day 13 and I usually ovulate on day14 so perhaps I will get a better line today is the afternoon the. est time to test?
i think they say between 2pm and 8pm is fine. I however get a positive very late at night around 11pm. So I made sure to test before bed. I got a positive 24-36 hours before ovulating (as i felt the ov pain) and 2 cycles I ovulated around CD13-14 (26 day cycle) so I am not opking now and just going to go by cycle days........risky? yes. calmer? yes. lol
Ths cycle I ovulated on day 15 (I know this ecause this was my last day of cm, eggwhite) and today my temp went up (CD16) , I did a opk yesterday and it looked like ths:
a real postive to me (the darker one is the test line the other one is the control line)
thanks ladies we did bd but only that day not thr next because hubby wasn't feeling well the day after. I had a it of a temperature drop this morning but hoping it is still fine.
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