how many c sections?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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I had my son via emergency section on the 3rd of april, and looking at him...changing so quickly I kinda feel like I want 8 kids! Even tho its not gonna be possible..I dont know why but Im getting broody again already! I wanted a big family and the section was a shock...just wondered how many sections r safe? (cant have a vbac as I had a t-shaped cut on my uterus), Ive heard 3 and any more are risky...would love to have 4 kids but now I feel as if I have to settle for 2 or 3...(DH is nervous!)...

im sure you can have a maximum of 3... might be wrong though :think:
i think its 3, my friend has 3 children all delivered by c-section
what happens if a ladys had 3 already, cant hav a vbac and she gets preg again?! :shock:
I think they recommend 3 but u can have more, i know a friend who had 4, and also u gotta think of people like posh spice she wants more kids and has had 3 so far, i just think the more u have the harder it is for recovery etc.
God that sucks only having c sections but i asked a friend and she said its due to the scar tissue, thats why you can only hav e a max of 3
skairdykat said:
Sorry for the thick question but whats a vbac?

Vaginal Birth After Caesarean

In most cases it's safe if the cut is vertical (I believe) but if the cut is horizontal there is a much greater risk of it rupturing during the birth and is therefore not advised. I think that's the right way round. Whichever way it is, the one which is safe for VBAC is most commonly done now.

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