C-Sections and Sterilised??


Dec 4, 2008
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Hi ladies!
I was just wondering if any mums who have had a caesarean have been sterilised at the same time. I have had 2 sections, both emergency. I have been told that this pregnancy will most definetaly be another section and needs to be my last which i am finding hard to come to terms with. I was thinking in the long run it would be "safer" to be sterilised at the same time of my section. I am with my man who i will be spending the rest of my life with and he has said he will have a vasectomy but thats not 100% and its me the risk is aimed at so does anyone have any advice on this? Have any of you done the same thing? Any regrets?
Sorry about all the questions but with me only being 24(on sunday) i'm a bit scared of being sterilised as its so final.
Thanks alot xxx
I didnt have a section but I did look into whether they would do sterilisation if I needed to have on as I was deffo going to have it at a later date anyway. my hospital dont do it straight after birth, my consultant said it wasnt as successful until approx 3-6 months after birth due to physiological changes/movements getting your uterus and everything back to normal.

I was told by family planning that I would not be considered for sterilisation until a year after birth (incase the baby dies :shock: ) I pushed but they wouldnt budge but I went to my GP and she referred me instead. The consultant agreed to do it in feb when DD will be 4 months as my uterushas gone down well, but I am having it in march as Im having the bathroom renorvated in feb :lol:

Vasectomys are actually deemed as safer as they can test to ensure the semen is sperm free, there is no way to do this with women, also its harder on the body for a female as its just a local rather than general aneastetic for men.

I dont want to scare you but my DH had a vasectomy and I got preggers 6 months after :shock: :roll: so there are some that slip through, for this reason he is going back to be re done and I am being sterilised too, its the only way I can feel reassured no more happy accidents occurr
my big sister has had 3 children all by c-section and was sterilized with the last one. she will be turning 30 in a few months and her youngest will have her 3rd birthday around the same time. she has split up with their father and has a new boyf, and she confided in me that she is sorry she cant have children with him :( have they said a reason why u cant get pregnant again? i know ur limited with c-sections but isnt victoria beckham trying for another? she has had 3 c-sections! ask ur doc if u can push it to 4 if u want another! if there is serious risk involved tho then its sadly for the best :( i think female sterilization involves an abdominal op so if u gonna do it it does make sense to do it at the same time as the section. then u dont have 2 ops, 2 recovery periods, etc. good luck :hug:
a friend of mine has had 4 c sections the last one through a new incision so its not impossible x
I've had 2 sections and was told by my consultant that providing everything is ok there is no need
for sterilization after the third. However, realistically the more you have the greater the risk. I
know people who have had 4. Good luck with whatever you decide hun xx

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