How long..

It took me about 15 months in total. But I got pregnant 2 times in that period, but sadly mc. Each individual conception took about 1-2 months.
Took me 5 yrs of trying to conceive this little one. Finally got there tho.
I wasnt trying with any of mine but it took 3 months to fall pg again after my first and second, 6 months after my 3rd (even tho i was on the pill then) and we was trying for number 5 and it took 4 months but i lost my angel at 19 weeks in january
I was lucky in the first month of TTC for my first baby, so quite a happy shock to get caught straight away! This time it took 3 months but then miscarried, and then caught again the following month without a cycle in between. I know it can take a while for some people so I count myself very lucky to get pregnant so quickly. If you need to chat anytime hun, feel free to PM me x
We wanted to get pregnant in November but people kept saying you don't just get pregnant straight away so we stopped using condoms earlier and got pregnant pretty much straight away :rotfl: Much to OH's disappointment instead of a months focussed baby making we had sex twice as I was away on holiday a lot. But I'm glad we're having baby 4 months earlier than planned as we'll have the summer to play with baby :D
Our DD was unplanned, but our DS took 8 months to conceive.
Both my pregnancies I caught first time :D

Good luck and have lots of fun trying :hug:
we'd been ttc for 9 months before we got this BFP......Just keeping our fx that everything goes well and out little bean is safe and warm
I had the loop (coil) removed in January 2007 and had my last period in June 2007

Smoking does affect it as well as being overweight and inactive.

Also, there are certain sex positions that can assist :rotfl:
3 months after a miscarriage and I only have one fallopian if I can do it anyone can :D

I have seen a lot of posts on here where people have conceived the very month they decided to have a rest TTC so I think stress can affect things sometimes. Good luck :hug:
mandspice said:
I have seen a lot of posts on here where people have conceived the very month they decided to have a rest TTC so I think stress can affect things sometimes. Good luck :hug:

That 'sort of' happened to us. we'd been ttc for 9 months and decided it was time to see the docs so we told them a little white lie and said we'd been trying for 12 and I'd been in for my first two blood tests in the month we found out.

I'm sure that because we knew the tests were coming and we didn't put as much pressure on ourselves that month that it's the reason why we got our bfp.

strangely enough in all the other months we'd BD'd at least 5 - 7 times over OV time and that month we only did it twice!!!
x0xbaybeeemz said:
Oh alright then thanks :)
Me and my partner both smoke.. does that effect you getting pregnant?
I told him last night it might do so we are both going to try and give up :)

You should try and be as healthy as you can before you get pregnant, so stopping smoking now is a great idea. Also start taking folic acid just now and try and eat a healthy balanced diet. Good luck with ttc, remember and enjoy it :wink:
Im dissapointed.. i didnt get pregnant again this month :( ohwell we'll start baby making again tuesday :) And im making him give up smoking!
What does folic acid do?
I wasn't trying 8) but it was the first time we weren't careful :rotfl:
With my son I fell pregnant after one month and this one it was two months.

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