How long between babies?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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I know I shouldn't be thinking this (it won't be for a year or so) but I miss being pregnant and was already starting to think about the next one!! I was just wondering how long everyone waited between children??
We started trying when Lydia was 6 months old.
I managed to get pregnant when she was 14 months old.
hun am the same, i miss being pregnant to, my OH Wants 2 try for another one NOW! LOL aint wanting another one until charlie is at least 1!
Hi there, i'm same. Really miss being pregnant and also the whole excitement of the delivery. My little man is 6 weeks, its all going so quick! I miss all the fantastic midwives and was looked after so well at Tiverton hospital it was like a hotel.

Still now i got my boy and i'm enjoying every minute of him. Me and other half have also talked bout number 2, but would defo like few years between them.

My sis got pregnant 3 months after having her little girl. There is just no way i would cope!

Theres 15 months between my 2 girls, then a nice 4 1/2 year gap between my youngest and this one. I plan to have about a 2 year gap before i have another if i am going to be blessed wth a family of 4.
snowbunny said:
Hi there, i'm same. Really miss being pregnant and also the whole excitement of the delivery. My little man is 6 weeks, its all going so quick! I miss all the fantastic midwives and was looked after so well at Tiverton hospital it was like a hotel.

Still now i got my boy and i'm enjoying every minute of him. Me and other half have also talked bout number 2, but would defo like few years between them.

My sis got pregnant 3 months after having her little girl. There is just no way i would cope!


sorry off topic alert

my sister lives in tiverton. im down the road in barnstaple. nice to see a devonshire lass here aswell :)
I think it's nature's way to make you crave another baby very soon after delivery.

I'm fighting the urge and will wait a couple of years for practical reasons. Some of my friends have said the broodiness does abate as your babies get a little older :)
there is a year and 2 weeks between my first and second and a year and 2 weeks between my second and third and between my 3rd and this one there will be 15 months!!!
Minxy said:
Some of my friends have said the broodiness does abate as your babies get a little older :)

I haven't found that at all :lol:

I had a 4 year gap but that was my OH's fault, he was in shock for ages after Mason I think.
I'd love one more, probably with a 2-3 year gap.
Charlie is now 4 months and i really want another baby now!!! I have felt like that since he was born, my oh is having none of it and says we have to wait until Charlie is at least one before we start trying again. Oh well i guess i will just have to wait!!!
i got pregnant when Dior was 4months old.

i am very very broody now i think i would have 10 babies if i could. but im not having any more i want to work my way up in my job and get a mortgage first
hi all, im currebtly 16 weeks pg and my little boy will be 6mths next week.
his little brother/sister was conceived when mark was only 9 weeks :shock: :oops: got a bit of shock and was worried about how we would cope but were fine now. just needed a few weeks to get used to the idea of having 2 BABIES UNDER 1.........................
I'm always broody! But I just don't want to buy another cot! so we are going to try at the end of the year then at least there should be 2 1/2 years between them and I might be able to get Riley out of nappies too! (Heres hoping) My best friends baby is due next month, so god help my hub :cheer: by.

But there is a lady at play group and there is just 1 year inbetween hers, and I could not cope with that, I don't think, but hey needs must!, shame I cannot get pregnant for awhile, because I would love to just knock them out every year, Or maybe just the pregnant bit, I think I should be a surrogant after I have had my lot, I WANT A BABY BELLY! lol
OH and I will probably have around a 4 year age gap, but no longer. We want plenty of time to enjoy Zachary first :D
I dron't know how people cope with a small age gap. I'd be climbing the walls if I had another now!
There are 2 minutes between my 2! :wink:

Then there will be 8 years between them and this one!
I want to have another baby now, have felt really broody since Aaron hit one! Think we may start trying again in April so watch this space :D

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