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my best friend got pregnant with a man she was with for 2 weeks! and has now had there baby, makes me so angry!!

but our time will come, and we'll love our babies even more for that :)

Yeah exactly and I get to be aunty to 2 new babies it will be hard watching them go through their pregnancies but I supported them both through the 1st 1 and will have to do the same for the both of them now again x

They will support me when my time comes x :hugs:
aw yeah! and at least they can give you advice and pass down baby stuff and you will have cousins waiting to meet there new friend to play with! lol lots of positives xx
I would get yourself to the docs and ask if you can have a semen analysis and a scan ... there is no reason why they would say no given the amount of time you have been trying. Then at least it will give you some peace of mind xx
thanks hun i think i will :) as soon as this cycle ends ill book an appointment. would be nice to get peace of mind and then maybe a solution to help aswell. anything to help make it happen and see the BFP!

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