How long will I show a positive pg test result for???


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Questions again,
I took a pg test tonight just to be curious (one from the hospital) and it still shows as positive. How long will this go on for?

I misscarried on the 10th Jan but had been symptomless for 10 - 13 days before that.

Any ideas and why this would still be happening?

Thanks in advance
if i remember right i had Medical management on the 18th june.

And i was still testing positive until the end of june it was the last day or 1st of july i got my negative.

i hope that helps hunni x
Thanks angie,
I read on a website last night that there may be some hcg releasing tissue still nside and that a 'scrape' might be required.

Thats fine but they will be doing it under anesthetic :( they are not scraping me while im wakened.
i bled for a few days with mine but i did a preg test i *think* 4 days after i started to bleed and it was negative. It could be that you still have tissue like you read but dont go freaking yourself out hun reading things on the internet! Are you still bleeding? I got told to only test when id stopped

my Dr said to wait 2 weeks and test again but I think nw1 was getting positives for about 3 or 4 weeks if I remember correctly so I think it depends on your body- I would try not to worry too much about it. I don't think you will need a D & C but if you do then they put you out anyway. I was booked into one 6 days after I started bleeding and they scanned me just before I went down and decided not to do it anyway as they would rather not and even though I still had quite a bit to come there is a percentage of lining left that they will just let go naturally or the next time you have AF which is what happened with me- the 1st Af afterwards was very much like the m/c I've just had a 5 weeks, i.e. much heavier than usual.

:hug: It's all so horrible hun, I totally know what you're going through :hug:

Its been exactly 3 weeks today since my loss and i am still showing faint positives on pg tests. I tested again first thing this morning.

I did have a d & c and i really didn't expect to be still having any pg hormones at this stage.

The waiting part for me now is so hard, not knowing when i will get my next period. I have really long cycles so its so frustrating.

Sorry for your loss, good luck for the future
and lots of love :hug: :hug:
Yes like rosebay said i didnt stop getting faint positives until i had AF think it was around 35 days :shock:
I was 10 weeks 5 days pregnant when I had my D and C. I tested positive until several days after my first AF which arrived exactly 5 weeks after my D and C. :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone for your replies. I realise it treads on sad ground.

At the epas today they took more blood and though the hcg has dropped it hasnt dropped enough. Its roughly 500, not enough for them to discharge me. So its back up there next week for more bloods.

In a lighter note, I do feel better. I have accepted whats happened and though I am grieving for this loss we are not going to try again. This baby wasnt planned. But I have spoken to dh about perhaps thinking about another baby in about a year. He said though unlikely he wouldnt rule it out.

Thanks everyone. :D

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