how long should you get a positive afterm/c


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Does anyone know how long you should still get a positive after a m/c. I had a d&c on 1st august we decided to ttc straight away so we started on 9th august, i know its really early to get a positive from a new pregnancy but i had a feeling, i have had a headache for 2 days, feeling sick now and again and really bloated so i did a test i didnt expect it to be positive but i have a very faint line, now i dont know if this is a new pregnancy starting or the hormones still in my body from the last.
if you only started on the 9th and you had your d + c on the first, you are at most only 4 or 5 days post ovulation, a positive test from this time round won't turn up until at least the 24th of the month for most women :)

So it's not 100% impossible if your cycles are normally extremely short, but it's very unlikely, I'm sorry to say :( :hug:

And as I said in your other thread I was still testing positive 2 weeks or more after a d + c.

But best wishes that you are lucky this month :pray:

It's not completely impossible but you need to wait till 10 days past ovulation before you can really know :hug:
The doctor told me that it could be at least 2 weeks after my d and c and it took 5.5 weeks afterwards for me to get a negative. I hope its a new one for you. :hug:
Claire as you are still feeling sick and bloated, please go to see your Doctor for a check up, it is not uncommon for some 'pregnancy tissue'( sorry for this term) to still be left even after a d&c... it would not do any harm to go for a check up to be sure....
Also it is a bit unlikely that you are pregnant so soon, but Miracles can happen, so even if it's not this time i am sure your little miracle will happen again soon..... please go for check up and keep us posted, love Yvonne xx :hug:
Hiya, I had pregnancy symptoms and positive tests for around 6 weeks after miscarriage because there was still some tissue causing me to bleed and causing my body to think that I was still pregnant. I would go to docs and see what they say, they can do blood tests to confirm where your HCG levels are and if this is a new pregnancy or a follow on from your miscarriage.

Good luck hun x :hug: :hug: :hug:

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