How long to get back to normal after early m/c?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Im not sure if ive posted this in the right place, im sorry if not but didnt want to post in coping with m/c and loss because I dont even know if I had a m/c.
Alot of you know my circumstances (sorry to keep going on! :oops: ) I missed a period just had a very small amount of spotting and had alot of pregnancy symptoms, sore boobs, sickness, tiredness etc but no bfp, then my next period started as spotting afew days before my period was due and got heavier around the day my period was due, there was some clots in it (sorry tmi :oops: ) but was still fairly light, I saw my doctor last monday and she said I may have been pregnant but definatly wasnt now, as id had a bleed and my boobs had stopped being so sore and no bfp, she implied I had probably had a m/c and basically just told me not to dwell on it and that was it. Its been two weeks since af/the bleed and I am still feeling very tired and drained and sick on and off and yesterday my boobs started hurting again, I have been bleeding on and off for last week first day heavyish then back to spotting.
If I did have a miscarrage when could I expect to feel normal again, and why have my boobs started hurting again?
Any advice greatly appreciated
I was 7 weeks when i miscarried and soon after I started bleeding, my pregnancy symptoms dissapeared. I never had anymore symptoms after that.

Your dr should have given you a blood test or something or an examination, if you were pregnant and miscarried then something could still be left behind which could cause infection.
Thankyou for your reply! Im sorry to hear about your miscarrage, I had thought that if I had of miscarried the symptoms would have gone completely. I really dont think my doctors have done all they can to give me answers as to why im having all these symptoms, they wouldnt give me a blood tests when they thought I might be pregnant even though I requested one, just told me it wasnt practice policy and the urine tests were just as accurate, they have done blood tests to check for other causes thyroid etc but that is all. I have a scan booked for next tuesday which was booked before all this happened for other reasons, so I have just been told to wait and see if that shows anything for now!

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