How long is your OH inside you after the deed?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Ok, a slightly intimate question but i'm sure you ladies won't mind :good:

I was just bd'in (tmi) and it was quite a lengthy session (tmi) and afterward we just lay there for a while and he was still inside me (tmi).

Normally he just whips it out (tmi).

I starting wondering if him being inside afterwards would be a good thing or a bad thing.

We wasn't moving around and i figured that maybe him being inside, with the place where the semen comes out of being right next to where i want the semen to go for a few moments, was a good thing...

It wasn't leaking out or anything and when he finally got around to getting up, i could just do my legs up bit as per usual.

What do you think? Do you normally do this after sex or not?
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My OH has always done that! Mostly coz he's usually shattered and needs to get is breath back haha

But lately he's been keeping it in for as long as possible to hopefully help things along!! :)

I think logically that actually sounds sensible, as the *junk* isn't likely to come out while he's in you, which in theory, should increase your chances :)
Hi Louise,

I haven't been doing that as I think things could creep out if you relax.

I get my bum straight in the air!

I do wonder whether I am taking things too far with the putting you're bum in the air thing as i'm finding myself sitting on the sofa upside down and back to front whilst im watching TV!!

Good luck x
I usually roll off pretty much straight away... well after a little kiss .. and once I have caught my breath :)

I then use my pelvic muscles to help get those swimmers to where they need to be... usually works as nothing comes out until the next morning when I am up and walking around.
Maybe Baby - thats hilarious
Vickyxx - you get a kiss after??? ha ha
LouiseB - I think that sounds like a good thing to do it could always help hey, I just roll off though like Vicky :)
Lol, this thread made me laugh - the things we talk about on here,lol!

I maybe leave it a couple of seconds, then just try and let my pelvic floor do the holding. Think it works ok - a lot less leakage than when we were not ttc! :)
Ive thought about this one, surely it cant do any harm, if like you said nothing erm,,, comes out. And how many people get up the duff without trying and focusing on what they do afterwards, i sometimes think i think too much about methods, positions, legs up etc, i mean look at wilmaflintstone
We tend to do a 1-2-3 roll move ha ha to ensure we dont loose any swimmers x
Toni love your new picture.... you look gorgeous!!

I agree with you though about over thinking positions, times etc... my main thing is to make sure sex doesnt become to regimental and it doesnt become to demanding on us both... although my DH is more then happy to drop his pants when ever the deed is called for lol
Maybe Baby - thats hilarious
Vickyxx - you get a kiss after??? ha ha
LouiseB - I think that sounds like a good thing to do it could always help hey, I just roll off though like Vicky :)

Ohh yes I always get my kiss...... have to keep the romance alive x
Awwww thanks vicky, not wanted to put a pic on before inase someone saw it and knew we were ttc but what are the chances of that really
OH always stays put for a bit after and we have a kiss and cuddle!
Haha - you ladies crack me up :lol:

Think i'm going to give it a go :) Can't be worse than last cycle... a BFN lol
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Haha i was thinking this last night my OH doesnt always slip it straight out (tmi) and last night i had a little brain wave and was like oh hang on it gota be good! oh and i always geta kiss! x
Haha.. yeh we sometimes stay in for a few minutes but normally its like, 1,2,3 quick roll! then legs up or just stay layed down and go to sleep.
Only thing is most of the time it stays in, but there still are a few times where i dont even move, just comes out with him. So i suppose staying in longer would help that as long as he doesnt move!!lol x
i suppose staying in longer would help that as long as he doesnt move!!lol x

Yeah or we don't laugh at making them stay in. I laughed one time and... well it was pretty gross lol
Isn't a female orgasm afterwards supposed to pull the swimmers in the right direction?
Oohhh not heard that one. I thought it was the cm it produced that aided - must research! lol

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