Egg whites, Me and the DH

I drink about 2 litres of water a day. Is that about 4 pints?
:lol: Hannah

Yeah 4 pints is about 2 litres I think :think:

Yeah I did wee alot, I drank two in the morning and two at night so I could still get poas on opks.

It is good for you, Cori are you taking epo? that helps too :hug:
I don't drink anywhere near as much as I should. I do try but I just end up peeing all the time :lol:
Do you get used to that amount of liquid after a while?
I drink loads of tea (decaff) so think that makes up for it.
Well I drank lots of water for about 8 days before O, I think my bladder did get used to it. :D
Tasha20 said:
:lol: Hannah

Yeah 4 pints is about 2 litres I think :think:

Yeah I did wee alot, I drank two in the morning and two at night so I could still get poas on opks.

It is good for you, Cori are you taking epo? that helps too :hug:

Do you mean evening primrose oil? Are you supposed to take that if you could be pregnant? Or do you just take it between AF and ovulation when you know you are not pregnant?
Cori said:
Do you mean evening primrose oil? Are you supposed to take that if you could be pregnant? Or do you just take it between AF and ovulation when you know you are not pregnant?

Cori, you should start taking Evening primrose between AF and O then flax seed oil from O to AF. Apparently carrying on with the epo once you've ov'd can stop the egg burrowing but the flax seed's ok.
Cori said:
lilly said:
Cori said:
I might actually try it and see how it affects my acid.

i did get acid yesturday when i tried it but i hadnt had my tea, might be better on a full belly!

Do you get acid often? I'm just thinking if you don't and that gave it you then it will defo give it me, cos I'm prone to it.

i get acid all the time... sometimes makes me sick. but most times i can live with it. spicey food (mainly pepparoni) is the worst!! :puke:

but the grapefruit juice isnt too bad, no good for in the morning tho... just had it now and it was fine!
HannahD said:
Cori said:
Do you mean evening primrose oil? Are you supposed to take that if you could be pregnant? Or do you just take it between AF and ovulation when you know you are not pregnant?

Cori, you should start taking Evening primrose between AF and O then flax seed oil from O to AF. Apparently carrying on with the epo once you've ov'd can stop the egg burrowing but the flax seed's ok.

What does the flax seed oil do? Same as epo? I would be afraid of forgetting to stop taking the epo when I ovulated. But won't it still be in your system for a few days? Or would it be out of your system by the time the egg started implanting?
Lots of women have taken epo without any problems at all, taking it until O is recommend due to the reasons given before.

It wont do any harm being in your system, its the continued use after Ov that does.
Cori said:
What does the flax seed oil do? Same as epo? I would be afraid of forgetting to stop taking the epo when I ovulated. But won't it still be in your system for a few days? Or would it be out of your system by the time the egg started implanting?

Flax seed oil boosts uterine function and is helpful in aiding better fertility in both men and women, whereas epo aids the production of fertile quality CM. You can take both together, it's just not recommended that you carry on with the epo during ovulation. I think because you take the epo then stop it doesn't have a chance to build up in your system like it would if you were taking it continuously.

EPO helps the body to produce more fertile quality cervical fluid also known as "egg white cervical mucus." This is because fertile cervical fluid is thin, watery, clear and "stretchy" and easily aids the sperm to swim through the uterus and into the fallopian tube, and to the egg. If there is a lack in this type of cervical fluid, it can impede and/or prevent fertilization. Some women are very dry, and have problems in producing an adequate amount of fertile quality cervical fluid. Drinking a lot of water and taking the EPO can certainly help in the production of fertile cervical fluid. Also, this type of fluid helps the sperm to stay alive for up to five days inside the fallopian tube, thus enabling conception to happen even if you don't have intercourse again by the time ovulation occurs.

EPO should only be taken from menstruation to ovulation. This is because EPO can cause uterine contractions in pregnancy. The dosage taken should be 1500mg to 3000mg per day. I usually took around 2000 mg of EPO. Since essential fatty acids are necessary, you can take flax seed oil in place of EPO after ovulation. This may be taken throughout pregnancy. Check the label to see the correct dosage.

I know what you mean tho, i'd either forget to take it or forget to stop!! :doh:
On the Boots website for flax seed oil, it says 'Seek professional advice before using if you are pregnant'
Could you take Flaxseed Oil from AF to OV instead of Evening Primose isnt is safer??
Eveadel said:
Could you take Flaxseed Oil from AF to OV instead of Evening Primose isnt is safer??

Yes you could and you can also take the both together. EPO specifically targets your CM, unlike Flaxseed oil so that's why it's recommended before OV. However, when you OV you have to stop as it can actually hinder more than help at that stage and can prevent a fertilised egg burrowing because it's too, for want of a better word, slippery.

It's always recommended that you double check with your GP before taking any supplements. The EPO I bought says it's ok to take when pregnant but from what i've read that's not the case, whereas flax seed oil's very good for you.
Would fish oils (the Pregnacare ones) do the same job as flax seed oil?
I drank my first glass of grapefruit juice this morning :cheer: :cheer: it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.

I'm going to combine it with cough medicine tomorrow.

Good luck girls :hug:
after reading this thread i have now started on the juice and its horrid! but i will stick with it, and i have epo in the cupboard so i may as well go the whole hog!
Wow...I will have to remember the pink grapfruit!!! Good luck everyone!
the way i see it is that it can not do any harm !

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