Mine for an hr. Medical history, famiky history, bp check and bloods.
Hubby came with me as depending on what midwife I could get they may do a sneaky scan.
Oh didnt come to mine either, only form filling and bp, weight etc.
Don think theres any requirement for them to go unless they particularly want to but we would rather keep my oh's leave. They dont discuss anything baby or birth related x
I got a letter from the hospital last week and they said allow two hours...but that's for the form filling, questions and 12 week scan. It must be different in N.I. as even last time with my daughter it was the same. x
No not at all, at both my booking in appt and my 16 wk appt i went alone and i only saw ladies alone in waiting room, dont think i saw anyone in company with a partner. Its not expected or needed for them to be there dont worry x
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