how long has it taken you all.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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did anyone find it easy to loose their baby weight? or has it been an up hill struggle? how many weeks did it take till you felt good about yourself? did you loose quite a few pounds days after the baby was born (placenta, water, baby, etc)

the stars have a lot to answer for... they make it look so easy!!!

I know it is sensible to loose the weight gradually to enusre it stays off and our skin goes back to normal... what would you say is sensible? 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, a year?

Just wondering...
Kacy is nearly five months old and i'm still trying to lose my weight, i have lost quicket alot but i'm finding it quiet hard.

It really depends on the person.
i think with the first child its easy i was slim by 3months but after the second its harder harley is 2 and a half weeks and i still look 5months preg

10days after having harley
winstanley - glad to see you posting! have you heard anything from IMI.. there's an imi post in 3rd trimester...

Dionne in your picture you look slim.. wasn't you carrying a lot of water during your pregnancy with harley?i'm sure in another 2 weeks you'll have lost your baby bump...

I look 9 months pregnant and i'm only 28 weeks... god knows what i'm gonna look like in another 12 weeks.. carrying a lot of water...
The way I see is, it takes you 9 months to put on all the baby weight, so it will take atleast 9 to lose it (well that's my moto anyway!). :dance:

I put on a whopping....5 stone, and that was with my 1st that I had 13 her weeks ago. Dionne unfortuantley for me it isn't easy losing it with my 1st. :cry:

Still got another 3 stone to lose! xx
guess i was lucky... put on 2 stone in pregnancy (some of which was obviously baby etc)

weighed myself on the day i got home from hospital after my c-section and was a stone over my pre preg weight - 3 days later it was all gone (5 days after birth)! i don't know if it was the breastfeeding that did it or... i certainly wasn't dieting, my mum kept cooking my favourite meals every day and i gorged on chocolate and crisps!

the weight stabilised after that, but i was overweight beforehand though, so once i've stopped breastfeeding i'm gonna try to lose my excess 2 stone that i've been trying to shed for years!

my belly is still very wobbly though, it's all gone down south! so although the weight has gone i'm a completely different shape from before - and i don't like it!
I put on nearly 3 stones ( 21 kgs) 10 days after giving birth, i lost 11 kgs (a stone and a half) since then, I have lost NOTHING :shock: I was overweight to start with but now, i just look so big.......................

So i will really have to do something strong and steady if i want to lose weight especially in the belly area :doh:
I put on 3 stone nearly and was back to a 10 in 6 weeks but that's cos I lost my appetite and have had non stop stress for a while which is what caused it. i suffer from bad anxiety and that keeps the weight off. I have crinkley skin and a bit of a roll on my belly cos I stopped doing sit ups. They say 9 months on 9 months off. xxxxxx
I gained 2 1/2 stone and lost 3 stone but my belly is still big. I hate it but I know that the only way is to do exercise. It has really affected my confidence, I hate going out and the thought of anyone seeing my tum naked fills me with dread. I had image issues before but they are 20 million times worse now. Thought I'd be brave and post. Dionne I am the same size and I had my baby 19 weeks ago!!!!!

i am back down to pre preg weight but want to lose a bit more, but my shape is different still have the jelly belly but until i lose a bit more weight there is no point in toning it otherwise it will be a firm pot belly!
I put on 3 stone 10lb and have got 5lb left to lose. I lost 1 stone 2lb as soon as Ella was born. Then the weight dropped off at approx 1lb every 1-2 days until I lost just over a stone, then I got stuck with 18lb to lose. Joined WW about 6 weeks ago. I think the the b/f is helping me lose the weight quicker, I definately don't starve myself as I need the food for my milk supply.
Lost it really easily at first, while i was BF. Now the belly has reappeared & just cant seem to get rid of it :(
I found the first 20lbs dropped off - 11lbs after having Ky and 9lbs in the first week alone. My weight loss stalled after that for a few weeks and the last half a stone came off gradually over about a 2 month period..I must admit, I never dieted and ate a lot of rubbish - But did not seem to find as much time too eat as I did. I'm about 5lbs heavier than I was, but my clothes are now looser...Not sure what thats all about! :wink: But I do exercise a lot more now than I did before as I love taking Ky out in his pushchair. Before I would just jump in the car - Even for a 2 min journey!
Breastfeeding has helped a lot too I think.

11weeks Pregnant

10 Days after Ky was born

6 Months Later
Rachael you look amazing, well done to you!!

I have been dieting for the last two weeks due to going on holiday and eating way to much! Since having Aaron nearly 8 months ago, I am a bit silmer than what I was pre pregnancy so I'm happier about that but not happy totally cos I was overweight before. I look slimer than I did but my skin is looser due to massive amounts of stretching so trying to tone all of this. In the last 2 weeks I have lost nearly 6lb so I am determined to keep going! :D
racheal you look brilliant...

dionne - didn't see your picture before i posted... i was refering to your aviatar (your face looks very slim) but afetr seeing your belly picture - well done... your stomach looks brilliant for 10 days later...

it's hard to see this weight ever coming off when yoru getting bigger each day... i know it's not the end of the world! and putting weight on means my baby is getting bigger... But i am hoping to slim back asap...

thanks for you stories... makes me realise it can be done!

Well I put 4 and a 1/2 stone on and the first 3 stone came off in a couple of weeks but for the past 5 weeks ive only lost about 4 lb!
Everyone is gonna hate me for saying it but i put on 3 stone when i was preg with Isla and it took me, er 6 days to get back into my clothes and lose it all. :oops: Sorry to say!

My target weight was 6kg less than my pre preg weight and have just reached that now. My stomach isnt as toned dye to the stretch marks but is still flat. I only breastfed for 8 days but lost all my appetite which helped, and it still hasnt come back, yay!

I know i am lucky but i am sure you can all laugh at me after no 2 as i'm sure it'll be harder to lose second time round.

PS I am getting married in Aug and already have my dress in the bedroom, its a great incentive as if i dont keep the weight off it wont fit and i'll have no dress!

eva is 4months old and it's all gone now. I was back in some of my clothes 2week after having her but it's taken me up to now to fit into everything again.

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