How long did you wait?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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How long did you wait before TTC again? How long did it take you to conceive afterwards, I mean does it make it harder to conceive? I got pregnant first month of TTC and I hope we are lucky like that again. Has anybody conceived just after m/c before getting AF again and had a successful pregnancy?

Loads of questions. You are obviously very keen to start ttc again, which is positive.

I lost my baby in October and will start ttc again in Jan but it depends on the individual.

I lost Connell in october but started TTC as soon as the bleeding stopped... I Felt strong enough physically, however maybe emotionally i wasn't ready.. I found my First AF was like getting bad news all over again... I had to accept that i was no longer pregnant when i saw my period.... i realised that i wasn't having a baby at end of april begining of may 07 when connell was due.. But i might have one July/august 07 you know a little later but still having one.....i could cope with that But AF made me think and realise.. i might NEVER fall PG again.... If I am lucky i will but there is no guarentee... It was hard....Right now I am still TTC and i am expecting AF to turn up today of tomorrow (due 7th) I think she will come but i would love to be PG again now or very very soon.
I Think you need to listen to your heart and will know when your ready... some people can and do fall PG again before their AF shows after a MC....
Look after you jodie,
Lv Yvonne xx
hi hun you will know when you are ready, i mean im pregnant again after miscarring 2 months (im not sure if im ready emotionally) after.

Take care :hug: :hug:
Whether you are ready or not physically and emotionally is something on you can answer.

I had a miscarriage last year at 5 1/2 weeks pregnant last year and like you was very lucky to fall pregnant at the first try. I waited for my next clear period and then we tried again and were shocked to find I was pregnant straight away and we now have a beautiful baby boy who was born on his due date.

Our thinking was that the miscarriage (we called him/her Spot) was a trial pregnancy and just wasnt meant to be and that it was my body's way of checking that we were really ready for a baby and this confirmed it so we tried again! We now have a tree planted in the front garden which is thriving in memory of spot and we will never forget.

Good luck!!!!!!!
We lost our baby at 12 weeks, well I carried to twelve weeks Lo's heart stopped at 8. I felt so guilty but I wanted to try straight away it is true once you get that 1st AF its like admitting to yourself your not Pregnant anymore.After the first months AF we tried but then the 2nd came and then I couldnt bare to keep trying, I just thought I couldnt do that again get my hopes up to get them crushed.

the 3rd AF didnt show up, i was Pregnant and 9 months l8a i had Alfie, who was born a few days after we'd lost our baby the yr b4. I think that you will know when your ready but your body does need a couple months to heel it can stop the likelyhood of it happening again hun. Good luck darl

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi, i had miscarriage in march 05, i was 14 weeks pregnant. i didnt have a period after, i fell straight after with my daughter who was born on new years day 06. i hope you are just as lucky as us !
I had a m/c last Dec and was 9 wks, this was in Greece and had to have a D+C, was then advised to wait until had 1st period before trying again, took me 8 months and am now 19wks pregs!!!!!

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