Negative thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I had a mc on 2nd december. I was only 6 weeks pregnant. We were only TTC for 1 month and I fell pregnant first time so we thought we were really lucky, but our luck didnt last. Now though I cant help thinking I might not conceive again or I might mc again. Its all I think about. I worry there might be something wrong with me. Anybody else feel this way?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Aw Jodie, Every mum feels that way after they lose their child, It is so hard, But our want and need for a baby is stronger than our fear, thats why we TTC all over again.
:hug: Please don't worry about worrying. It's all normal, and once you do fall PG again ,you'll worry about that, Then you'll worry about the birth, then when your baby will walk, talk, cut teeth..... on and on it goes until the day you stop being a mum and join the other angels.. :pray: You see what I am saying? It's OK to worry like this... YES we all do... welcome to parenthood.
Please take care sweetheart and if you have concerns, come on here, go to your GP, family, friends who ever and talk about them.... get that cuddle and reasurance... we aqll need it from time to time...... :hug:
Me>> :moon: I am terrified again that I might not be able to have another baby, I have 3 angels in heaven and two big boys here with me... so some experience on both fronts and i am still S***ing it... :rotfl: Told ya.. normal :wink:
Lv Yvonne xx

Good luck TTC and lots of sticky baby dust to you xx
Thanks Yvonne. That makes so much sense.

Good Luck to you too.
hi hun hope you are ok i totally agree with yvonne.

Please dont worry when you get pregnant again (and you will do) it will be the best experience of your life even though it will be a worrying time.

I got pregnant very shortly after my m/c and believe me its a very worrying time that i might m/c again but im starting to get stronger and know that it will work out this time.

After you m/c you have an even better chance of having a health baby than any other time, you will be a great mum hun you will. :D

Look after yourself hun :hug: :hug:
Thanx Tracey. I'm really glad things are working out for you this time. It's so easy to scare yourself with the things you read on the internet (about repeated miscarriage, women who have been TTC for years). But then I read your posts and others who have gotten pregnant again and had a healthy baby and it really makes me feel more positive.
I do know how you feel Jodie, the same thoughts pass my mind also. I got pregnant in first month of trying first time round. After my m/c it took a few months then next time, but I conceived again.
Although I m/c again, I am very hopeful that the next time round will be ok. Miscarriage is very common, you are unlucky to have one or two, but statistically speaking the odds are still good on having a successful pregnancy.

Keep thinking will happen for you honey.


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