Aw Jodie, Every mum feels that way after they lose their child, It is so hard, But our want and need for a baby is stronger than our fear, thats why we TTC all over again.
Please don't worry about worrying. It's all normal, and once you do fall PG again ,you'll worry about that, Then you'll worry about the birth, then when your baby will walk, talk, cut teeth..... on and on it goes until the day you stop being a mum and join the other angels..
You see what I am saying? It's OK to worry like this... YES we all do... welcome to parenthood.
Please take care sweetheart and if you have concerns, come on here, go to your GP, family, friends who ever and talk about them.... get that cuddle and reasurance... we aqll need it from time to time......
I am terrified again that I might not be able to have another baby, I have 3 angels in heaven and two big boys here with me... so some experience on both fronts and i am still S***ing it...
Told ya.. normal
Lv Yvonne xx
Good luck TTC and lots of sticky baby dust to you xx