How long did you wait/will you wait for baby no.2?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Just wondering how long people will or have waited to have baby no.2? Initially I thought that I'd leave a couple of years as I did not enjoy being pregnant and suffered very bady prenatal and post natal depression. However I am now thinking that it would be better to have no. 2 sooner rather than later (as I know I definately want another child) so I can put pregnancy behind me and just enjoy being a mum. Layla will be one in Feb and we are thinking of maybe trying to no. 2 at christmas. It took me a while to get pregnant the first time but would be hoping to be pregnant by the time she is one .

Stephen was nearly two and a half by the time i got pregnant again. I wasnt thinking about time scale really, its just thats when i got broody!

But it has worked out well time wise as hes now at pre school and i have a bit of time atg home with lil lady
Enough time so that I don't have to have a double pushchair :rotfl:

No really, ideally when Ryan's past 3 ish so that we get the subsidised childcare to cut the costs.
I am not even thinking about it now: I am still trying to survive the first one :D
But I loved being pregnant and kind of miss it...I want to be pregnant again but definitely not this year!
We started trying when Lydia was 6 months old, but I didn't get pregnant until she was nearly 14 months old.
At the moment; i have no intention of having another.

If I was to have a brother or sister for Adam, it would most likely be when he was about 2 -4 years old.
I would have started trying again when Austin was 6 months if I'd got my own way but OH wanted to wait a bit longer. We started TTC just after Christmas, when he was 9 months old. It took 4 months to conceive & Austin will be 21 months when the new baby is born. I'm really looking forward to it, I know it will be hard work but hopefully they'll be good friends when they're older.
Jessica was 5 when I got pregnant with Aimee and I wish I'd done it a couple of years earlier and got it out of the way. I hated being pregnant and I'm not that keen on the baby part so I wish I'd of got it all out of the way quicker. Saying that I wish I would have had Aimee and Nathan further apart cos I think 14 months is too close.
i think i would like leland to be 3ish but it took 2 years to concieve him so chances are we would try sooner rather then later , its gonna be major hard tho cos ill be expecting another stay in hossy and another prem baby and we might not be so lucky as with leland , but i really do want number 2 !
OH wants to asap....but i dont want to...just started a new job and want to be in it at least a year and i would like Amber to be walkin etc. I look after my neice sometimes and she is 3 and i really cope with that so i guess i am sayin i will try when Amber is nearly 2
I think sooner is better personally :)
And in two's, so will have a 3yr gap after this LO if we are blessed with a 3rd or further children :)
Overall its up to you as only you will be Mummy :wink: :hug:
When I was younger I thought a 4yr gap was ideal but after my life experiences of observing children, my family and other people's children, I now believe the closer age gap is better :hug:
Im thinking along the same lines as you. We want 3 kids so I dont really see the point in waiting plus there is 10 years between me and my nearest sibling which is ok now but was a nightmare for me when I was a teenager and I really want James to have a bro or sister close in age to him so Im thinking why wait?!
I had an emergency C section so have to wait a little bit before trying again but DH and I are thinking about Christmas to start trying for number 2....It only took 1 month for us to get preggers last time so fingers crossed....
I have 10 months between my 2. :) - it wasnt planned and i was deverstated at first, but they way it has turned out is brilliant. (so far) Emily is easy and hannah in the last 2 months has 'grown up' sooo much. (she took 7 steps today)
Im really enjoying it. I/we have our moments. (both babies going mad in the supermarket!) but overall its not as hard as i imagined at all. It was MUCH harder being pregnant!
I think we will start trying for number 2 at Christmas time, Maddison will be 1 year 4 months so would be over 2 by time next baby arrived :D
maybebaby said:
I would have started trying again when Austin was 6 months if I'd got my own way but OH wanted to wait a bit longer. We started TTC just after Christmas, when he was 9 months old. It took 4 months to conceive & Austin will be 21 months when the new baby is born. I'm really looking forward to it, I know it will be hard work but hopefully they'll be good friends when they're older.

oh wow I didn't know you're pregnant! Congrats hun!!!!
There's 22 months between Lydia and Alex and I think it's a lovely age gap. It's hard in that one is teething whilst the other is going through 2 year old tantrums, but the positives outweigh all that. Austin will be old enough to be your little helper, but still young enough to be close to his little sibling. I think it's a grand age gap :)
We're thinking about it now but for practical reasons will probably wait until Stanley is 3 for subsidised childcare reasons.

Financially we are struggling to stay afloat and I just don't know how people manage!
i don't want to go back to work :shakehead: :shakehead:

so i've decided that i'm going to stay at home having babies instead! :dance: :dance: i reckon we'll aim to have another in a year or so...
I would have another soon ish but I had a section so have to wait a year - and then I think I will stop contraception but not try as such. I want them to be fairly close in age and I think I want three babies so dont want to wait too long.

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