How long did you leave to tell.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

I'm just wondering, Hubby and I have discussed this (in preparation for the time that will (fingers crossed) hopefully come to us), but when did you inform your family and friends that you were pregnant?

I've decided i would tell my mum, who's in Australia, straight away as i know that if anything went wrong she'd be able to give me some support and she'd be so excited as well. But i live with my in-laws, and although i'd really like to keep it to myself if/when it happens and just keep it between hubby, me and mum, I wouldn't want her to be wondering what was going on if anything went wrong.

Just wondering what you ladies have done and what made you come to that conclusion?

Any advise and personally expereiences are greatly appreciated. :)
With my 3 children I have told everyone straight away. I'm not to sure if that was the sensible thing to do but I just can't keep secrets. My pregnancys seem to last forever for everone else too as they knew from 5 weeks :oops:
I told my mum straight away as she came to the doctors with me as my ex was workin... we then told he's parents then had our scan then told everyone else when i was 9weeks i think :think:
my oh's parents were on holiday in america and we rang them straight away :oops:

and my neice was born the day we found out so i told my mum the day after she was so shocked to be a double nana lol shes only 41!!! (now shes a triple nana lol)
The first time I told everyone when I was only 4 weeks then miscarried at 5 1/2 weeks which was hard to then tell everyone it was all over :(
When I got pregnant straight away again I waited until we had a scan at 7 weeks then showed my mum the scan picture and she nearly fell off her chair!!!!!! It was hard to keep quiet as the test was positive at only 3 weeks!!!!!
hey vikky,
We waited until after our 12 week scan to tell everyone just to make sure everything was ok. As i unfortunately had a miscarrige the month before i got pregnant with Evie it made us worry that something might go wrong again so we decided to wait until 12 weeks to be safe,as we were worried we would tell everyone then something could/would go wrong.

Very close family & friends knew about 8 weeks or so, others after the 12 week scan but I didnt make a big deal of it and half my colleagues only twigged when I wrote Ante-Natal appt on the signing out board :lol:
with Kiyanna i was 2 scared 2 tell anyone only her dad knew. i kept it between us untill i was around 4 months then i had no choice but to tell my mom. I only kept it 2 myself because of my age (14) nothing else.
with elise i told her dad again and i told his sister 1st cause it was someone i could talk to. after i was pasted the 12 week mark i told everyone
with this little 1 i told my mom,dad & brothers straight away. i didnt tell the babys dad until a week or so later as we had broke up on bad terms and didnt no what he would say. im going to leave everyone else untill ive pasted the 12 week mark again
x sophie x

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