How long after you had a show did labour start?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Hi I had what I assume was a show at about 2.30pm today ( just a small blob of what looked like clear thick jelly and a tiny amount of blood when wiping). Just wandering how long it took for you to go in to labour after having this. I am a week overdue now and am hoping this is the start of something.
i had a show at 8pm period pains came at 1am contractions at 3am waters broke at 4.45am holding my lil boy at 5.02am
With my second i had a show and my contractions started straight away,hope something happens soon hun :hug: xx
With my first, i was having pains for 28 hours and then i had a show she was born 9 hours later. I didn't even have a show nor did my waters break with my second
With me it was within 24 hours. I've heard others say it's been severl days.

Hope it's soon for you hun - lots of luck!!

i had my show about 3 hours after labour started with my first

I had a large show a week before i went into labour,backache and on and off contractions after that, no rhythm to them, my waters breaking were the start of my 'proper' labour, DS was born 2 and a half hours later.

I had my show at 5pm on the tuesday night, then nothing all day wednesday then at 1.15am thursday morning waters broke, contractions half an hour later had DS at 9.55am that morning. :dance:
had my show then had my waters broken a few hours later!!
Good luck to you Gemz - I had a bit of a show last Wednesday and am STILL waiting for something else to happen!! Hope things get moving for you soon, I'm going to start my Christmas shopping this afternoon, sick of sitting in this house!!

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