How long after a show................


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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is it that labour usually starts? I went the toilet earlier this evening and I had some brownish discharge in my underwear. Does anyone think this is a show? How much blood/brownish discharge is there usually in a show? Does labour usually happen shortly after this? I've been having more regular BH and tigtening of the stomach for the past few days. What do you guys think??

Thanks in advance. xx
i first had a show at 37 weeks and gave birth at 42 weeks, it looks like jelly/snot, can be different colours, mine was clear with red spots in it. but its quite thick
I had a show about a week before I was due (It was a clear/pinky colour jelly like discharge SORRY TMI :oops: ) but it didn't mean anything for me. I had to be induced when I was 12 days overdue and had Jake when I was 13 days overdue.
i had my show the morning i went into labour.. poss TMI... it was just pink when i wiped, nothing jelly like about it
My show was when my labour started full on for me. The tightening you are feeling might be slow labour. I had pains and tightening for ages before my labour kicked in properly but when I went to the hospital I was fully effaced (sp?) so looks like the contractions/tightenings had been doing something!

Lou :)
I’d had brown discharge previously which I thought was my show, but the real thing started 2 days before I went into labour and after I had a sweep it was like thick jelly stuff with blood in (sorry tmi :oops:)
i didnt hav my show til i was already in labour. there was no mistaking it lol it was gross!
Thanks for all your replies. Just to update you: I've still not had my baby.
I had contractions last night that came every 15 minutes but they were not very painful at all, just a tightening of the stomach and a little bit of pain in my pelvis region, then when in bed last night, I woke at 3.15am with really severe back ache and pains all around my tummy. I thought it might have been the real thing but tried to go back to sleep. I woke every hour with the same pain but when I evetually got up today, they had died down a bit. As it stands now, I'm just getting a lot of back ache and the occassional abdominal pain/tightening.

I know my bump rightfully could be another 3 weeks but I'm getiin gso impatient to meet my son.

How much longer?????????????

I never noticed a show with either pregnancies.
But good luck sounds like you will be very soon :)

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