How long after the depo??


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
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All of you girls who were on the depo injection, how long did it take for you to conceive? My next ones due end of April, but we go on holiday in June, didn't really want to start trying until after then.....
My last depo injection was due June 2005, and my periods didn't come back until May 2006!!!!! I didn't concieve until Oct 2006. (It seems to be a common story too)

I wouldn't touch Depo with a barge pole now! I would say don't have your next jab and use condoms if you don't want to concieve as it can take ages for your body to get back to normal.
I have been on the depo on 3 separate occasions now and I have found it varies what happens. I was on it for about 3 years and then it took about 9 months from my last injection for my periods to come back. After a break I went back on it for around 2 years and this time it was 6 months for them to return. My mate had just one dose and says she got a period the month after it ran out so the pattern seems to be that the longer your on it the longer it takes for you to be fertile again. I have since had a baby girl (last november) and gone back on the depo, my next is due on April 10th. I wish I hadnt had it to be honest because I am wanting to try for number 2 in summer so I wont be getting another injection and if I get pg earlier than planned then thats ok but I wont be holding my breath. Its definately a 'long term' contraceptive which is a pain when you want to start TTC. I personally would not get your next injection and just see what happens. Good luck, x :hug:
I was on depo provera at the tender age of 16, i was on it for nearly 2 years... i was due to go back in april 2002 for it, i didnt have it,

wasnt expecting my periods to return as quick as they did as i had been told it takes at least a year to get out of your system.. they returned by the july so it only took 3 months to get out my system
Anyways i was pregnant come november so it only took 7 months to concieve.. i was shocked it took so quick but i wouldnt be without my boy now..

Good luck.. :wave:
Tick-Tock said:
My last depo injection was due June 2005, and my periods didn't come back until May 2006!!!!! I didn't concieve until Oct 2006. (It seems to be a common story too)

I wouldn't touch Depo with a barge pole now! I would say don't have your next jab and use condoms if you don't want to concieve as it can take ages for your body to get back to normal.

I agree totally with you hun. It took about 8 mths for periods to come back. ( I didn't have a period for all the time I was on it). It also changed me as a person. i was very depressed while on it and put loads of wieght on. I think they say it takes on average about 12 mths to get it out of your system so don't expect to get PG straight away hun.

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