How long after mmc?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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I have had a missed mc confirmed by scan, technically i should be 9+1 but baby stopped developing 5+6.
Scan showed sac as long and narrow instead of round as it should be so they said that means it has started to come away from uterus?
How long before i start mc, i have opted for natural at moment due to above info.
Anyone elses experiences welcomed?
Thanks x
So sorry for your loss hun it devastating

I had mmc beg september i opted for medical management as i couldnt stnd waiting an if my first period is anything to go by id hav bn waiting awhile

Watever happens please give urself time to grieve takeas long as u nd if udont feel like doin anything then dont but dont shut ursel away either

Here if u nd to talk i know exactlywat ur goin thru xx
Thanks, i dont want to wait either and medical management would have been my chosen option, its just as they said sac has started to come away i assumed mc may be about to start.
Is it very painful when it happens and how long does it take, it seems to vary greatly from things i have read?

C x
I started having like brown bleeding the weekend before i went in for medical managemewnt and thought great Im starting on my own as I really didn't fancy getting prodded and poked so when I went into hospital I thought it would be an examination and be sent away to go myself at home - nope my cervix was only very slightly open so in went the pessaries....5 hours later they hadn't worked so I got oral tablets and they told me to get out and enjoy the sunshine so hubby and I went to the wee shop in the hospital only for me to feel a pop and like there was about to be a flood of blood appear on the floor...luckily there was none leaked out and I got myself back up to the ward where it was a waiting game for "baby" to pass. I can honestly say I never felt any real pain more like period twinges only had two lots of painkillers the two days i was in hoispital more so i could rest

It wasnt pleasant I wont lie I sat on the loo for ages not wanting to get up . The nurse hat wa sddealing with me got called to an emergency and I was still sitting on the loo when she came back myuch to her disgust she said "have you not been up off there atall" o which I said well no cos there was blood coming out , her reply "well yes it will just keep coming now"

while she was away i felt like i was going to pass out i got very hopt and clammy and hubbys voice started to get further away. Im sorry but this is tmi but only way i can describe it was that when i wretched to be sick thats when i passed the "baby" it wasn't sore just felt a bit weird. Fast forward a few hours and I was kept in as they werent sure I had passed everything so in came the theatre gown and i was fasted for theatre (luckily i didnt have to go as I refused ) and the gynae doc (sorry for mu use of words) howked the rest out and i was allowed home

sorry for the long winded reply and you are right every woman is diifferent - are you having medical managemtn or have u still to wait for to go yourself. I must say Im 12 weeks on and that is me just getting my first proper period after mmc so god knows how long it wqould have took me to miscarry myself

hope you are looking after yourself here if yoiu wana talk xx
Thanks for your reply.
The scan i had was a private one i paid for, she told me either to wait or go to my early pregnancy unit.
I dont even know where epu is!
I have been trying to ring midwife all morning to ask her whats best to do, i was told to let her know results of my re-scan today but she's not answering the phone!
I am hoping i can get some tablets but i dont know who prescribes them, midwife, gp, hospital?
I also need sick note for work, so many questions but feel in limbo at the mo x
thats the most horrible bit is the not knowing and being in limbo. Up until af appeared yesterday I felt so confused and wanted something anything to happen just to clear things up.

I was told by mat unit that as the baby had already gone I didnt need the tablets but ended up having them anyway so I would imagine it will be the hospital that will give you them as technically it is the same as a termination that was the hardest bit for me I felt like I was killing a child when there was nothing there to kill xx
Yeah its ironic taking tablets intended for a termination when u wanted the baby so much.
Thanks for your help, i'm going to see my GP tomorrow now x
No problem here anytime just ask whatever you want

Glad you are seeing your GP tomorrow hope it goes as well as it can x
Got appt at epu thurs morning, hopefully starting to get somewhere to getting this all over with :-(
Hi i started bleeding and so went to epu on the sunday was scanned on the tuesday and was told the same as you elongated sac baby measured 5 weeks i should have been 13 weeks and no heartbeat. I was offered a rescan in a week just to make sure it wasnt a new early pregnancy but was told to expect to bleed. I miscarried about 2 hours later at home. Have you started bleeding yet?xx
No bleeding or pain as yet, should be 9+4 but scan showed 5+5.
Just waiting for nhs scan thurs then hopefully medical mgt if appropriate?
Or dont know if d&c better not sure what to do!
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I wasn't given a choice as it happened naturally before they dare do anything. My friend took the pills and she said it broke her heart putting them in her mouth. Her situation was slightly different though. For me it was a long and drawn out process and I didn't fully miscarry until weeks later although we didn't know that at the time. Again my situation was extremely rare but if I had to choose id let nature run its course. That's just me hun. With D&C I've heard that things can get damaged making it harder to conceive again. Scare stories on Google really but it's put me off the idea. Maybe you could talk to your gp about it. If you have no pain or bleeding yet you could go to 12-13 weeks when your hormones change or it could be tomorrow who knows. It's a tough one. I'm very sorry you are going through it hun xx

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