How late was your af before you got a BFP?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Hello ladies!

I've posted on the ttc board so apologies if you've already read my story....

Doc took some bloods early last week to check lots of things as I've been having some problems with my thing that came back was that I hadn't ovulated so doc took more blood this Tuesday to see if I ov late, will hear back about that next week.

In the mean time my cycle has always been 26/27 days. I'm now 4 days late with lots of BFNs (fmu). My nips are very sore, I don't usualy get this, usually my whole bbs are aching before af. Veins in the top half of my legs are more visible, I'm either constipated or have dihorrea, cervix is softer (changes from high to low at different points in the day) and my cm is different- I get varying amounts of yellowish cm.

I'm trying to keep my hopes up...would be great to hear of people who didn't get BFPs until quite late!

Thank you :) xx
i was 4 days late when i got a faint BFP and it was stronger the following day
I got a BFN 1 week late and then waited another 10 days before getting BFP. I had come off the pill 3 months prior which meant that I had my first 'real' period exactly 4 weeks after i stopped taking it, my second was 5 weeks after the first one and my third never showed up although based on when I had my BFN and then BFP it would have been at least 6 weeks after period 2.

Good luck- The sore nipples (not whole boob) was a symptom for me so it may well be for you also. :pray:
I'm really thick and stupid so i'd missed 2 before my mum made me test. I'd just started a new job and i was stressed. I've had the symptoms before and nothing came of it so i guess i just blocked it out and pretended everything would go back to normal. In the meantime i'd gone up 2 bra sizes and my OH already suspected, just didn't wanna say anything coz he thought i'd think he was calling me fat.
I was 13 weeks when i found out.
I was 4 days late when I did my first test, which was a first response test, I got a strong line.

Good luck :pray:
my AF was almost 3 weeks late, but i was back on the pill (after having no bleeding on my pill break) so assumed that was suppressing it i suppose, also i was expecting it to show up at any given time as my only symptom was strong period pains!
Very strong line, 8days late. I waited that long as I was kidding myself that there was no way I could be, even though I knew I was not on the pill anymore, just didnt expect it to happen 3 days after I stoped taking my pill, thought it would be months.
I was 2 days late, then got a very clear BFP with 2 Tesco tests. x
Sorry but I'm finding it hard to understand all the abbreviations...

Could someone tell me what it all means?

I got a BFP at one day late but like others have said I just knew it. Has been tring for a few months but the run up to this period had been different. x x x

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