how embarrasing!!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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ive been looking at the bump pics in TRI 3 and mine is bigger than half of them already, i feel so bloody fat and depressed now i dont think i have the nerve to post a pic. :oops:
Hey hun don't worry. A lady that works in a different department than me asked how far along I was and I told her 16 weeks. She looked shocked and said 'Blimey you look much farther along than that'. :evil:

I have to admit I probably made her feeling bad by saying 'yeah its probably all fat and walked away'. :twisted:

Hormones eh!!

Don't worry hun, I feel the same. Hopefully we'll even out at the end. :hug:
someone asked me in work yesterday did i have long to go :shock: :oops: i was horrified i knew i was big but oh my god when i told her i wasnt due till xmas she laughed and said how many you got in there so i said 2 and she shut up :rotfl: but i really do look huge already its really embarrassing when ppl ask how long you got left xxxxxxx
my mother in law keeps asking me if im sure i have my dates right, i said 'yes and i can even tell you the time and placed your son shagged me' :oops: well i was annoyed :oops:
lol.. love the comments to the MIL!!

Be proud of your bump hun.. I will be when mine gets big!

Claire x
my best friend's 4 months ahead of me & she's always been teeny tiny, her bump at pretty much full term is not much bigger than mine, it's embarrasing when we're out!
Oh I get this, twice at work people have asked how far I am, and said "blimey I thought you were gonna say about 7 months" :shock:

Im an early popper methinks, but people gonig on about how huge I am is making me scared that Im abnormal!! :roll:
Aww stop it girls. I can't wait for my bump to get big. I can see it but nobody at work asked me yet. I asked my friend if she can see it and she said that I look like I have put some weight on rather than being pregnant. :doh:
My "bump" didn't really start showing till 13 weeks and even then it seemed only I could see it! But the last 4 weeks I seem to have grown nicely and have a noticeable, if small bump.

I sometimes think I'd like to be bigger but that's never going to happen, my mum carried small, and I carried small with Lucy so I'll have to live with the fact I'll be small again!

All in all I think its a good thing, I'm quite small anyway (5'1) and if I had a big bump it wouldn't be good for me.

Its hard though, especially as my SIL is pregnant and is 2 weeks ahead of me and is much bigger. I know I won't be the only one drawing comparisons!
ooh il be joining the "big girl" post!!

Im exactly the same im huge for just 14 weeks and look a good 6/7 months.
Im glad though i'd be jealous if i wasnt showing or had a tiny bump.
Im proud of the little everest sitting on my hips :D

We should have a smiley with a bump!
I've got quite a bump going on too. I have a look at the bump pic when I moved to tri 2 - a lot of the girls at 20+ weeks look smaller than me! :oops: I think I must have a baby elephant in there!

I also had to go and buy some maternity trousers this week. My last pair of decent trousers that I could do up were obviously holding me in rather a lot... :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
It can't be any bigger than mine :oops:
These were about 3 weeks ago now :shock: :oops:


I got this last week, someone i used to work with a few years ago i saw her (she didnt know i was expecting) and she said 'how long you got left?' when i said i wasnt due until October she looked really shocked and said its going to be a big baby!!!

BUT then my OH's brother's girlfriend said to me that she thinks i look tiny compared to how far she was at my stage!

So tbh im not sure whether i look bigger or smaller than i should :lol:
I got this last week, someone i used to work with a few years ago i saw her (she didnt know i was expecting) and she said 'how long you got left?' when i said i wasnt due until October she looked really shocked and said its going to be a big baby!!!

BUT then my OH's brother's girlfriend said to me that she thinks i look tiny compared to how far she was at my stage!

So tbh im not sure whether i look bigger or smaller than i should :lol:
I KNOW im not in here yet but thought id gate crash, i loook 7 months pg already, and its not saggy so my fat must have inflated :lol:
i'm so jealous of all your bumps. the grass is always greener on the other side, eh?

but seriously my stomach doesn't even look like it has changed at all. i don't look, or sometimes feel, very pregnant! apparently i have a tiny bump according to my OH, i think he's trying to make me feel better :rotfl:
Aww stop worrying!! I was feeling pretty much the same, lost count of the number of people telling me it must be twins!!! The scan told me otherwise....unless one was in hiding!! lol. With my first pregnancy I really filled up with water though and ended up putting on 4 and a half stone!! Most of that dropped off quickly tho - my little one was 8lb 12oz mind!! lol. Im really bloated on my stomach as well this time but its all worth it :hug: x

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