How do you read the Forum?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
Do you have a system?

Do you read through unread posts?

Do you use post spy?

Do you just go through each forum from the front page?

Do you read all forums or just the ones that interest you?

Thanks :)
I look at unread posts normally then just at the threads that I think I can relate to, or help with, or just feel the need to comment on lol
i go to my CP first, then i always check the lounge and the weightloss thread, then use unread posts
used to be post spy, now unread posts :)
I go to unread posts, check what is where and read what is relevant, then use post-spy.
I go to user CP first to check on threads i have commented on then to unread posts. The forum is getting way busier lately so i struggle to get through them all :blush: xx
I just plod along where my mouse decides to take me :lol:
unread posts! but i fall on my arse with that one, cos i dont always get time to reply to what i read, like if i'm feeding ella. and then i forget to go back and reply lol!
user cp 1st to see if anyone has written under my post that i may need to answer to, then its unread and then its mooch around the forum as a whole.
i like to get around :)
I always goto "First Trimester" 1st and then to BFP and TTC because i love reading good news!!! :lol: Then i have a silent mooch round the other forums ... this is indeed the first time ive stepped into the lounge and ill be honest ive come all this to way to put my feet up, have a chat and a MOD hasnt even got me a brew ready! - NOT what i expected :dine: hehe! I think im gunna like it ere!

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