How do you view the forum?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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How does everyone view the forum on here?

Do you use the unread posts function, or just go straight to specific sections, or use subscribed threads in your user CP? Another way?
Because I access it via iPhone I just view it by unread posts. x
i first look at the user cp thingie and then at the unread posts function, i dont think i know half the things you can do here.. im not very good at this things :D
I do the same as Helen because I'm on my iPhone using tapatalk
Mainly unread posts box at the top right, then once I get to the 3rd or 4 th page I'll go on to specific sections like third tri and viroids room, and now the labour and birth section! X
Before I got Tapatalk I just used to go straight to whatever trimester I was in at the time and pregnancy chat.

Didn't even really realise all the other sections existed nor did I realise I could click the box and see the unread posts.

I love Tapatalk and this forum, it's keeping me sane during the night feeds!
Lol I think I will be on here once I'm doing night feeds too, something to do isn't it haha. X
I couldn't live through these night feeds if it wasn't for this place! Lol
Facebook's rather boring at night lol
I use the unread posts bit x
On the laptop I do unread posts and on tapatalk the same as you guys. Although are peoples tapatalk different cos I can't upload piccies from mine I don't think....
i do user cp, then go to the sections that im interested in
I always head straight to the User CP, then once that's clear, the Unread Posts.
After a few pages I usually hit Third Tri and then just browse the sections.....
I'm actually weirdly quite anal about how I view the forums, it's like OCD!x
I usually check mod stuff first, then view any sections i "frequent", then go to unread posts and then unanswered posts :lol:
On my phone I do the same as Helen then participated. On PC I do user CP and then unread posts and have a general browse around!!
I just go to the sections that I usually check. I should check unread posts and the user CP too.


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