How do you get your baby to sleep?

Can't comment for the night time cause Grace goes in her Moses basket wide awake sometimes and goes off herself, I dont wanna get her relying on something to send her asleep, but this also be cause she was a special care baby and they r used to noise n tend to settle themselves in quiet or loudness. Although in day time if she's unsettled when coming up to a feed patting on the bum whilst holding her works wonders, babies at work love it too and it settles them instantly. Just a gentle pat, think its more the movement n rhythm but you should try it x
I have a 7 month old (beautiful) daughter and she was great once we got through the first 3 months! I also have a (delicious) 4 year old son who still doesn't sleep!!
Sleep whenever you can - be it day or night, ask your OH to give you one night off a week, and try and enjoy the nightime cuddles as magical time that just the two of you share.
I have a 7 month old (beautiful) daughter who has been brilliant since we got through the first 3 months! I also have a (delicious) 4 year old son who still doesn't sleep!!
Sleep when you can be it day or night, ask your OH for one night off a week (and got to bed early!!) and try and enjoy those nighttime cuddles as magical time that just the two of you get to share.
My LO has reflux pretty bad (as you know) & before we got his meds sorted, he really didn't like bedtime, he'd sleep for a while but always wake. Its best to get LO used to falling asleep by herself in the cot, not on the boob or she will want that every time she is tired, rather than just when hungry. LO's get into a better sleep about 10 mins into their sleep, so if you really cant get LO to sleep in cot & your rocking her, or whatever, wait 10mins after she drifts off til u move her, a good trick I used was to put my hand over LO's side of face while he was sleeping & keep it on while I lift him into cot & very (annoyingly) slowly lifted it off. Try the re-settling techniques for if LO wakes again....stroking face, comfort her, but without lifting her. if she's hysterical, lift her &, soothe her for 5/10mins, place back in cot & keep doing that, trust me, it works. They need to be in their cot as much as poss, they wont be in cot as much as with mum, but its still a major thing for them to get used to, put LO in cot if your doing the washing/housework, rather than in her seat, she'll eventually get used to it & it wont be as strange for night time.

Its so difficult when sleep is messed up, esp when we've been running around all day. I suppose before we have our LO's we dont truely believe ppl when they say...wait til you get the sleepless nights & crying, and u think pahh i'll cope. Sad thing is, most of us dont, so dont worry, we all go thro it & it'll sort itself out.....I promise!!! Stay strong your doing brilliantly

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I suppose before we have our LO's we dont truely believe ppl when they say...wait til you get the sleepless nights & crying, and u think pahh i'll cope. Sad thing is, most of us dont, so dont worry, we all go thro it & it'll sort itself out.....I promise!!! Stay strong your doing brilliantly


So true. I remember feeling miffed when I got told that when I was pregnant as I used to think I didn't get much sleep anyway. Totally different tho when baby arrives, your body lets you sleep again, but you can't get it :roll: xxx

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I was the same olive, i've always survived on 4/5 hrs sleep a night so thot i'd be ok coz im up anyway, but i was so wrong. I fell pg with my first lo at age 19 & when I lived at home age 16 my mum had my baby brother, so i'd not long had to listen to him crying so I was like...i've heard my brother crying, I can put up with it, but its different to you being the main carer for the child & literaly not getting a break from the crying.

Of my lo doesnt go to sleep on his own which he normally does I stroke down his nose and shhhhh him while in his cot it usually works. He sleeps better in his cot so I have put him in that already in my room

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L likes to go to sleep in my arms (not over the shoulder), facing towards me almost like he's on the breast, a dummy in his mouth and a blanket over his head. Sometimes I can get him to go to sleep in his swing if I put a very thin blanket over his head he's a bizarre child. With Charlie he liked me to pat his bum til he fell asleep, didn't seem weird at the time, now it does.
From day 1 we rocked Jack to sleep in our arms for daytime naps and for bedtime. He awlays had a dummy & had his muzzy snuggled into the right side of his face (the left side didn't cut it for some reason lol). When he was around 6 months old I started putting him down awake with his lullabyes on and leave the room for 10mins or so to see if he'd fall asleep on is own. In the beginning 9 times out of 10 i'd need to go back in and rock him off to sleep but slowly he learned that being in bed meant sleep time. For the past month or so he's settled himself to sleep every time! He MUST be in his sleeping bag (or he doesn't get it) and he also likes to have 2 extra dummies with him so he can chop and change while he falls asleep but he's usually asleep within 5mins. We're very lucky though because Jack has always been super super laid back and doesn't really get upset about anything. We never ever let him cry when he was practising self settling because we didn't want him to associate bedtime with crying (only our opinion, I know controlled crying works for many families) and now he goes to bed wide awake with a smile on his face. Do whatever you need to do to get your LO to sleep in the early days because everything so 'trial & error' at first. Then when you start noticing a pattern to their day you can start trying different techniques for sleeping etc x
We're very lucky with Chloe..she's always self settled and we put her down awake after her last feed of the day. I find that darkness helps them to settle more easily, Chloe has always slept in total darkness, right from the start and seems to go into quite a deep sleep very quickly. We also leave our bedroom door open so she can hear the noises of the household, I think they find them soothing.
Anyway, every little one is different and sometimes I think it's a case of trial and error until you find what works for you.
hey hun

sorry for butting in this section, but just wanted to offer some advice too!! as i have two other children so have some experience :)

firstly it sounds as ur LO just likes to be close to you which is why she is waking up a lot as she senses ur no longer holdiing her etc!! best piece of advice i was given for this with my 2nd was to hold a little blanket/comforter under my arm (with a top on) for 10 mins or so as this will place ur smell onto it and when u put ur LO down to sleep put this close by and she will think ur still there when ur not :) and eventually she will take to the comforter more and more!!

also if ur LO is suffeing colic/reflux raising basket/cot slightly helps with this but you already said you do this, but i have a friend with 5 week old baby who refused to sleep at nite because of his reflux and when were out shopping and came across a sleep positioner which aids babies with sleep propblems due to reflux, colic and it eases digestion too

this were my friend bought hers from as its local to us but im sure other places will sell them, she said its the best thing she bought as he now sleeps a lot better at night and even had the occasional sleep through with him :)

hope ive been of some help hun and good luck xxx
I now feed him to sleep, but in the early days it was OH who put him to sleep, Vince had quite bad wind problems in those days and had to be held upright for a good half an hour to an hour while we'd watch something on TV. Then put him gently into basket and pray for the best!
I now feed him to sleep, but in the early days it was OH who put him to sleep, Vince had quite bad wind problems in those days and had to be held upright for a good half an hour to an hour while we'd watch something on TV. Then put him gently into basket and pray for the best!

This is what we are like most evenings, in the basket and pray for the best :(
I now feed him to sleep, but in the early days it was OH who put him to sleep, Vince had quite bad wind problems in those days and had to be held upright for a good half an hour to an hour while we'd watch something on TV. Then put him gently into basket and pray for the best!

What did you do to deal with the wind problems hun. AJ takes ages sometimes hours to get up his wind and when you think you have got it all up he screams again and you have to start all over. I currently have him on infacol.

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