Hi everyone,
I am looking for advice/help about my LO's sleeping.
My daughter is 15 weeks old and is a nightmare to get to sleep. The only way to get her to sleep is either by walking/rocking/patting or pushing her in the buggy (for about an hour). The problem I am having is that during the day once i have got her to sleep I cannot put her down anywhere because she wakes up EVERY time so unless i keep hold of her while she sleeps she just won't sleep during the day.
I have seen the HV today who said we should start leaving her to cry so she can learn to get herself to sleep - which is really scary and daunting.
Does anyone else have this problem? Are/were your LOs getting themselves to sleep at this age? Has anyone left baby to cry and it has worked?
Thanks in advance for any advice

I am looking for advice/help about my LO's sleeping.
My daughter is 15 weeks old and is a nightmare to get to sleep. The only way to get her to sleep is either by walking/rocking/patting or pushing her in the buggy (for about an hour). The problem I am having is that during the day once i have got her to sleep I cannot put her down anywhere because she wakes up EVERY time so unless i keep hold of her while she sleeps she just won't sleep during the day.
I have seen the HV today who said we should start leaving her to cry so she can learn to get herself to sleep - which is really scary and daunting.
Does anyone else have this problem? Are/were your LOs getting themselves to sleep at this age? Has anyone left baby to cry and it has worked?
Thanks in advance for any advice