How do you feed your baby... Update Blame Kelsey!

beanie said:
maybebaby said:
I used to sing 'Booby booby booby booby' to the tune of Kaiser Chiefs 'Ruby' though :D

nooo - I sing this too, do you think its a breastfeeding thing or are we weird??

I voted booby till we self wean. Seren chose when to stop and I want Cally to do the same.

I sing this as well. So we can't be weird. :lol: :wink:

I hope to start ttc when Olivia is about a year so hopefully can keep going till I get pregnant again. I aim to boob feed for as long as possible. (Well, within reason - no 'bitty' scenes :talkhand:)
Bubma is what Wills seems to be calling it for now. 14 months and still going...never had to use formula,woot
Boobie Juice for near a year now and gonna carry on til she decides she doesnt want it x
We call it Mummy milk and if she has formula its daddy milk.

I have no idea how long we plan of bf for i was aiming for 6 months but now im here i suppose i will just carry on.
maybebaby said:
I used to sing 'Booby booby booby booby' to the tune of Kaiser Chiefs 'Ruby' though :D

My OH sings that too!

I'm booby feeding when I'm with LO and she gets EBM when she's at nursery. I started stockpiling EBM back in June for my return to work- a whole drawer in my freezer is full of little pouches of EBM!

I plan to breast feed until she's a year old.
beanie said:
maybebaby said:
I used to sing 'Booby booby booby booby' to the tune of Kaiser Chiefs 'Ruby' though :D

nooo - I sing this too, do you think its a breastfeeding thing or are we weird??

I voted booby till we self wean. Seren chose when to stop and I want Cally to do the same.

Ok now i hate you coz thats all I get when I think of that song :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

On a different note - are there just lots that have not voted coz i know there's a lot more that mix/bottle feed etc??
It's called "Buzzy Buz" in our house - comes from busoms - because everytime I see my grandma she tells me the story of my uncle being such a hungry baby he had both busoms and a bottle with quaker oats in it :rotfl:
I just like the word BUSOMS really...
kalia said:
We've started giving a bottle of formula a day in the last couple of weeks so that I can express less. But hey, 5 months on only expressed boob juice was pretty good going! And dropping that one feed has meant I have more time and I've sewn a nappy bag :) It is lovely to have a bit of time not expressing!

Sorry to ask, but have you just expressed and never breastfed, or did you breast feed to start with?

I tried breastfeeding for 3 days but found it really painful and stopped, it never occurred to me to express at the time as I just didn't want anything touching my nipples! Next time I think I would lke to try expressing and giving EBM in a bottle rather than/as well as formula - is that what you have done?
Magic Monkey said:
kalia said:
We've started giving a bottle of formula a day in the last couple of weeks so that I can express less. But hey, 5 months on only expressed boob juice was pretty good going! And dropping that one feed has meant I have more time and I've sewn a nappy bag :) It is lovely to have a bit of time not expressing!

Sorry to ask, but have you just expressed and never breastfed, or did you breast feed to start with?

I tried breastfeeding for 3 days but found it really painful and stopped, it never occurred to me to express at the time as I just didn't want anything touching my nipples! Next time I think I would lke to try expressing and giving EBM in a bottle rather than/as well as formula - is that what you have done?

No, I would definitely NOT express during the first few weeks. It will be really painful for the furst few days and baby will feed constantly and not seem to be getting enough. Wait for your milk to come in and then see how the feeding is going, it's completely different when that happens.

Boobies here- going to do it til at least 1 then see from there....

Only 3 months to go :shock:

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