How do you eat dinner?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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DH does shift work so every other week I'm on my own for dinner. I'm sure Connie knows the second I start dinner she wakes up and starts being grumpy. I try to trick her and sometimes do dinner earlier or later than the usual time but she knows :? . I always end up burning dinner then it goes cold. My eating position is on the sofa with a tray on my lap and my leg in the air wobbling the bouncy seat. Lucky I'm a woman and can multitask :lol: .
At the minute with OH not working i get him to feed Angel so i can get on with it. But before cooking tea was a bit of a nightmare. She'd be in the bouncy chair, i'd be trying to distract her and getting flustered. And have a headache by the time i'd finish coz she'd scream.
Heh, we eat in shifts as Oscar nearly always wakes and cries during dinner :) Sometimes I'll feed him whilst eating although I quite often drop crumbs on him and have to dust him down once we've both finished!

Tonight he slept through it though, it was nice to eat together for once.
We usually have tea when Calleigh is in bed, as OH doesnt get in from work till 5.30/5.45pm and Calleigh usually has a bath around half six then in bed for no later than half seven so we eat late so he can play with her before she goes to bed.
Finlay isn't too bad now so it does get better ;)

He gets fed first then put down to play. If he is being a pain then I take him normally till OH finishes then switch ;)

But most of the time he is ok and plays quite happily
We're really lucky, we all eat tea together at 5.30pm round the table. OH is a teacher so home by 5pm at the latest every night (he picks DD up from the childminders on the days I work) and I finish at 5pm locally and am home by 5.20pm - yay!

Valentine Xxx
At the moment on the sofa balancing a plate of food on one side and a baby on the boob on the other, I too am a multi tasker :lol:
Quickly :lol:

It's also a balancing act here; eating with one hand and shaking a rattle, bouncing the chair or holding her up on my shoulder with the other!!!
ill mullti task too with Noah attached, like you tho hes seems to time feeding for whenever we're having dinner :roll:
Amber had a feed around 5 o clock which used to be our normal time for eating dinner so now we have dinner after she's been fed but somtimes it doesn't quite work like that and me or OH has to eat our dinner with Amber over our shoulder with the tray on our laps and eat one handed! Also I can't remember the last time I had a hot cup of tea! It always seems to go cold because when I'm ready to drink it Amber decides she wants feeding or changing!!
We all eat together, our new dinner routine is we eat around half six, Ella sits in her highchair with a bowl of fingerfood and we feed her puree in between mouthfuls of our own dinner. But not so much the last few days as she has been poorly so has only been on milk.
charlie84 said:
We usually have tea when Calleigh is in bed, as OH doesnt get in from work till 5.30/5.45pm and Calleigh usually has a bath around half six then in bed for no later than half seven so we eat late so he can play with her before she goes to bed.

Ditto here, its usually 8pm when we eat and about 9 before we sit down after clearing away.
We eat on the sofa with trays... with a dribbling baby learing at every mouthfull we take!! So he's kept happy munching on vegies off our plates while sitting on the sofa. Some times hes really tired and im late doing dinner so hes in bed by half 6, and we eat shortly there after. I always aim to eat at half 6 tho, it dont always work!
We eat at 7pm. OH finishes work at 6pm and is usually home by quarter past... He baths Evie while I make her milk up and clean the lounge etc...

Then he gives her the bottle while I make tea...she's usually in bed by 6.30 or 6.45 and then we eat at 7pm.
Theo goes to bed at 7pm everynight so we put dinner in just before then so it can cook, and OH and I eat together whilst Theo is in bed, we're lucky, was he usually stays there untill 2am :-D
I used a slow cooker. Cally would have a big nap in the morning so I would get dinner ready so when OH came in it was all donme. Then he would dish it out, eat with Seren whilst I either fed Cally or ate with her on my lap.
Dinner is the easiest meal as Hay normally sleeps around tea time or chills in his chair when me and OH sit down, its during the day thats a bit harder some days are fine others I don't eat until teatime... :oops:

Don't know if this helps But I find if hes, changed, fed, doesn;t have wind and played with then put down he's happy to chill in his chair and watch us eat...

The only thing is I feel SOOO GUILTY he watches us as if to say "Wheres Mine Mummy?" and I just feel so guilty eating something he can;t have, does anyone else get that???
We have dinner early around 7ish... with everyone at the table now.. :D Including lil miss... Otherwise I have to shovel my food in real quick before she throws a wobbly.
Squiglet said:
Otherwise I have to shovel my food in real quick before she throws a wobbly.

The other day i was having a sandwich and Hay started crying (more the I need you Mummy crying then general crying) so I bend the sandwich up and wolfed it down and nearly choked lol! :rotfl:

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