How do you disipline you child?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
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So Ive been reading through lots of threads on here, and noticed different people suggesting different things for punishment or to disipline.

For kyan we have a naughty chair, if he does something bad he gets warned then if he does it again he has to go sit on his naughty chair for 2-3 minutes. I always put him on the chair, explain what hes done wrong and leave him. No one is allowed to communicate with him while hes on it. If he gets up his time starts again. When his time is finished I tell him again what he did wrong and he always says sorry then we have a kiss and cuddle. It works very wel lfor us as I dont like hitting or shouting..

So how do you disipline your children?
We have never had to use smacking, shouting or the naughty step/chair with DD. We give her three warnings and thankfully we've never had to go past the third warning. If we did have to go past the third warning then there'd be consequences, we decided that we'd take away a toy/her DVD player/ds etc

With the warnings we always sit down with her and explain what she did wrong and we have a cuddle and she says sorry x
We do the same as you but use a naughty step instead. We very rarely use it though as she quite good. She gets sent to bed if she refuses to eat her tea, that's the only reason we normally have to discipline her with.
We do the same as you but use a naughty step instead. We very rarely use it though as she quite good. She gets sent to bed if she refuses to eat her tea, that's the only reason we normally have to discipline her with.

We very rarely have to use his naughty chair.. we can go weeks without but then he'll get a naughty head on him and we'll use it 3 times in a day. Thankfully I never have the problem of my son not eating... he never asks for food but if you put it infront of him he devours it lol
I used to just ignore DD when she misbehaved, but now it's the naughty spot. I give her one warning and then wherever we may be she will go on a naughty spot. It works.

we use a star chart at teh end of the week if they have got all their stars they get a pound and when that reaches 5 pound they get to spend it :) also the naughty chair gets used if the star as been taken for the that day they sit on it for a minute for each year of their age also if they dont eat all of their tea they dont get pudding or any other treats for the rest of the day
Doesnt really apply to us atm as DD is nearly 17 so dont have that problem but when she was younger if she did misbehave I would give her a count to 3 to stop what she was doing and that was usually enough! (I was very strict)

However if she didnt stop then I would send her to her room for a certain amount of time depending on why she was being sent there in the first place! Worked no probs....when she got older she would still get the count to 3 and if didt take notice then she would have things confiscated....TV time, PC time etc!

Will take the same approach with this baby as its pretty much worked fine for DD...maybe I just had a pretty much well behaved child who knows lol!

Bet I get a little rebel this time lol xx
I still use the naugthy step! Mine are 8,9 and 11 !!! especially the 11 year old, as he will answer back if we end up at logger heads , so I just tell homi to sit there and ignore him, it's the only thing that works still.

He shares a bedroom with his younger brother, and means both are seperated so difuses the situation, esop at bedtime !

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