How do you count yours???


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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I was just reading the thread with all the details and wondered how everyone counts their labour.

Do you count from first contraction or just established labour??

Technically I started on the sat, with very distinct contractions, but this "false labour" lasted days!!

I generally use my established labour which was 3hrs.

I remember one of our MWs saying that a "week long" labour is impossible

So - how do you count yours???


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I've always just done it from established labour. So they counted mine from when I was 3cm.
people ask me how long my labour was so i just say my waters went at 8pm on the tuesday and by 837am wednesday she was here.. I think my notes said established labour at 4cms was 6hrs x
I was torn about putting what to write on that other thread.

My active labour was 21 hours i.e from 4cm to giving birth. That was what was written in my notes. Because it was prolonged I had to have the clexane injections :( I remember the dismay every time I was examined and had dilated like half a cm or something. I do not wish to repeat that experience..

I still think when the contractions start you can say you are in labour though, it's just early labour and can last for a long time.
I was already 5cm when I was first examined at 7.10pm so they asked me when I'd felt uncomfortable from (5pm) and used that for what they wrote down (6.5hrs as born at 11.35pm) x

I go from when I was moved from the ward down to labour suite! Even though I was crawling around in agony on the ward for 3 hours, thats what has been put in my notes!
I was 8cm wen I got to hospital at 8.30am. They took it from 7am when I first had wot I thought were proper contractions. He was born at 12.46 so 5hours 46 mins :)
I count it from when my pessary was inserted for induction because I think I was on labour ward for over 12 hours but I wasn't even established when I went down there as they started pumping me full of oxytocin! I think I was only maybe 2cm when I went down there after 3/4 days lol don't think my body was made for birthing!!!

Never seen my notes keep meaning to ask for them because I'm nosy!

My waters broke at 2.30am but I had no contractions til 1pm, and as soon as they started they came for 60secs every 3 mins, so I go from 1pm which is 4 hours 50 mins, but I noted my hospital notes said 4 h 18 m?? But I wasn't examined til 2.20pm so they don't date from that time either??! Bizarre...
Mine was 18hrs from established labour which is whats written on my notes but I tell everyone it was 42hrs in total (from 1st contraction) ..... sounds more dramatic! hee hee x
My contractions started at 11.30pm on Thursday. By 1am Friday they were every 4 mins. At 2.30am went into hosp as they were 2 to 3 mins apart. Checked over and was 6 to 7cm dilated already. He arrived at 5.24am but theink they include delivery of the placenta too so my notes said labour was 4 hours 10mins.
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Established labour Thomas was 6 hours James was induced 6.30 was 4 cm delivered by 11.39 at 6.15 I was still the same as 7am that morning x

Established labour from 3cm ......36 hours! Gulp
well if were counting from established labour mine was speedy :)

4cm dilated at 19:25 baby born at 20;12 so 47 mins in total :) x
i counted from when my waters went as my hind waters went at 4.30 am and she was finally born at 3.38am the next night/morning
Established labour definitely, I went to hospital at 1 am, got in the pool at 2.15 am and my little bundle came at 4.14 am- water births are AMAZING!!!!!!!!
I count from when I started having contractions, they were pretty intense from the offset for both (couldn't sleep or sit still!) - both times my waters didn't break during the labour (first time they were broken to try to speed up delivery and second time they went while I was pushing). First labour, started contracting 8pm on the Friday, tried going into hospital several times in agony, progressed REALLY slowly (about a cm every 4 hours) had baby 8.56am on the Sunday. Second time I started contracting 9pm on the Sunday, went into hospital at 2.30am at 9cm's dialated and had baby at 2.50am!!! Two totally different experiences!! LOL. So I count them as 37 hours and 6 hours from start to finish.
Mine's quite hard to say. My contractions started on Tuesday night at 20 mins apart, by 2am they were 10 mins apart and were never further apart than that, but I didn't have Sophia until Friday night. When I finally couldn't handle being at home anymore I went to hospital where they said I was 4 or 5cms, so don't know really!!
I never know when you count from either! My waters broke but I didn't have any real contractions until I got to hospital and he was born 20 mins after getting there! I say an hour and half from waters breaking which was my first sign, I count from then with my dd too as was also the first sign I got, which was 4 hours.
I count from going ti hospital as I was 4cm on arrival with 1st and 5cm with second ao established labour because I was in early labour for days with my 1st but it wasnt all that painful at first and I had a few false starts with my second.

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