I agree, it bugs me when people speak like if you had a painful labour it was because you didn't do it right. I found there was a lot I could do reduce the pain but some women just have hard labours no matter what they do, there are so many factors involved and we are not in control of all of them. I do have a high pain threshold and I think that helped but labour was not as painful as I expected. For me position was everything, if I'd laboured laying on my back that would have been a different story. The few contractions I did have on my back were horrid. I also got great relief from heat and massage on my back. Drugs weren't an option because it was a HB and as far as I know the MW I had doesn't carry any. There was just one point where I remember understanding the apeal of an epidural and I must have been in transition by then, even then it was more the exhaustion than the pain I was struggling with, I just wanted to lay down and sleep for an hour then I would have been good to go again. In the end I did sleep, waking up for every contraction of course, but the contractions spaced out nicely for me to about 15mins apart for a few contraction. If I'd had much more regular contractions for 38 hrs it would have been harder to cope. I actually found pushing a relief, crowning really stung but the worst pain in my back had gone. Your labour sounds way worse than mine Carnat! For me although labour was long it was manageable, it certainly wouldn't put me off having another one, infact I would quite look forward to it. Morning sickness on the other hand might! It was truly awful, I felt so sick for days on end and unlike contractions there was no break between.