How do you cope?


Active Member
May 17, 2011
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The frustration is tearing me apart :sad:

How do you get it out of your head and get on with your day to day life?
hi hun i dont know what your situation so i dont know how helpful any of this will be as it depends on what ur ituation is but a friend of mine recently went through a bad time, she is 23 with a 4 n half yr old

she tried to conceive again when her daughter was 2 but suffered about 5/6 mc,alot that went undetected till her 6 week scans.

she found it very hard to cope with as there was no reason at all for her not to be able to carry full term.

she was told, that stressing about it would not help but to also try taking folic acid daily for about a yr to help make a suitable environment for pregnancy, she recently gave birth to another baby.

good luck hun xx
I just see it as every day being a step closer...

Even if it's a stressful day or an uneventful day - it's another day down.

I hope you're alright Morganna xx
Coping is never really giving up hope. Maybe for a bit here and there, but never completely

Hope keeps us going and when she's gone hope will come back

Sending you hugs
I suppose everyone copes with difficult situations differently. Me I was very low for a whil but found this was not helping the situation, so now I am trying to keep positive and keep saying to myself it WILL happen not it MIGHT happen. As Scotch Egg says you have to keep hoping and not giving up. Keep thinking positive at difficult as it might be. Good luck xxx

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