how do you cope


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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hi all i just want to know how do you cope with a baby thats lively constatly wants attention and your trying to tidy up. im trying really hard to try to do everything im not sleeing at night i get u with amy everyday i tidy up about 3 times a day even after other half amy is mean while screaming for attention and wanting fed all the tym we only have one room so shes in the room with me all the tym oh is off mondays and tuedays and i still seem to be getting u at 6 and thats only with an hour sleep and she sleeps all night to im exhausted oh doesnt even help hell play a lil game for about 10 mins and thats it i love amy to bit but im reall struggling its hard wherei live and i cant get the wash done when i want it to coz i cant leave amy in the room while i go downstairs.she wont go to sleep till 9 at night and wont go to sleep in the mornings. i think shes at the terrible 2 stage lol they way she throws her tantrums. how do you all cope doing everything and look after a baby??
I try to run around and do as much as possible while Toby's sleeping. Now he's a bit older and can move around I just put him on the floor with a few things to play with (piles of socks and bowls of pegs are far more interesting than toys :lol:) but when he was younger I just used to do things while talking to him all the time, so he's getting the attention but I'm getting things done. Dancing and singing while washing up/hanging up washing/sweeping floors also works well :lol:
And give your OH a list of things you need him to help out with! You shouldn't have to do everything on your own! x
i cant really let her be on the floor as the room is just a bedroom even if i talk to her she still crys i try to ignore her to get on with the things i need to do but it so hard coz some workers that work in the pub live on the corridor to i cant hang washing out coz i dont have a line we live in a pokey lil room we have a double bed a walker tv computer xbox ps3 hifi and stuff on little shelves i think the room is about 15ft by 15 plus a bathroom so we havent a lot of room for her to and her cot and other toys its so hard she doesnt like a walker anymore the only way i can keep her queit is giving her a ruskit but i cant give her them all the tym oh and she doesnt sleep thru the day now shes up from 7 till about 9 at night
Where do you put her to play while you're doing things if she can't go on the floor? Even if I'm just putting clothes away in our room I'll put Toby on the floor x
she plays in her cot i dont mind putting her on the floor ut just scared case she pulls her self up on one of the units and it falls over or she sits on her quad bike which she seems to like for a lil bit but she just costantly crys from the tym sh gets up till she goes to bed shes not ill or anything ive tryied bonjela on her gums butthat doesnt seem to wor either i should be able to cope tidyin and looking after her but this place get inso much mess by oh he leave stuff lying and pulls stuff out and doesnt put them back

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