urgh i'm so p*ssed off!!
my mum was dropping me and hayden home earlier when a spanish guy came over and asked could we help as a little girl was crying and his english wasnt very good.
he pointed across the road where a little girl was crying out of the window, i went over and she was hysterical. turns out shes only 5
and she said her mum went to the shop and had locked her in the bedroom..she was desperate for a wee and kept saying i need to wee in between sobs! i managed to establish that her mum had been gone 3 hours so i knocked next door and the woman said "oh her mums done stuff like this before, i'll ring her" she phoned her and told me that the woman was on her way home and she would sit outside and talk to the little girl until she got home.
so i came inside but it was still another few hours until the woman actually got home.
the neighbour told me the childs father isnt with her mum and its his house but they stay there and hes reported her for this sort of behaviour before, but hes an ignorant pig, i had to go and have a go at him once at 1 in the morning when he blasting music out of his car right outside haydens window and woke him up, he just said "yeah yeah" and drove off!
my mums a police woman and she said she's gonna report them to social at work so it hasnt come from a neighbour.
how is this woman allowed to be a mum?? makes me sooo angry!!

my mum was dropping me and hayden home earlier when a spanish guy came over and asked could we help as a little girl was crying and his english wasnt very good.
he pointed across the road where a little girl was crying out of the window, i went over and she was hysterical. turns out shes only 5
and she said her mum went to the shop and had locked her in the bedroom..she was desperate for a wee and kept saying i need to wee in between sobs! i managed to establish that her mum had been gone 3 hours so i knocked next door and the woman said "oh her mums done stuff like this before, i'll ring her" she phoned her and told me that the woman was on her way home and she would sit outside and talk to the little girl until she got home.
so i came inside but it was still another few hours until the woman actually got home.
the neighbour told me the childs father isnt with her mum and its his house but they stay there and hes reported her for this sort of behaviour before, but hes an ignorant pig, i had to go and have a go at him once at 1 in the morning when he blasting music out of his car right outside haydens window and woke him up, he just said "yeah yeah" and drove off!
my mums a police woman and she said she's gonna report them to social at work so it hasnt come from a neighbour.
how is this woman allowed to be a mum?? makes me sooo angry!!