

Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
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just watched cleanaholics on discovery and the woman on it uses a bottle of bleach on her loo EVERY DAY!

she has never used her oven - her and her daughter go to her mums for breakfast and dinner and her mum even makes her daughters lunchbox everyday! my mum would tell me to F*** Off! :lol: the daughter has to take her choccy bars outside to eat them so she doesnt drop bits :shock:

she uses just the nosel of vac cleaner (no head or anything) and gets on her knees and to vac the carpet so she can be sure its done properly!

anyone on here this clean and tidy or am i just a slob?! :lol:

i watched it this morning as well.. but caught the one with the man...

i clean my toilet everday with bleach... right now.. my cupboard is stocked up on 4 bottles of thick bleach..

im not a cleanaholic as i have my lazy days....

but if my house is not clean i feel uncomfortable...

if im having a lazy day or two and my bedroom is messy... i cant sleep in it... il sleep downstairs....

if igo to someones house and they take me to the kitchen and its messy i cant eat/drink from there... its how i was brought up

i dont even sit on ppls toilets

im not a cleanoholic im just a clean person...

these peoples houses are immaculate... love it!
my dh would love to live with you Ebony! he thinks i'm too messy (i used to be dreadful before i had my own house!).

he has turned me into a far tidier person and i am grateful for it as i dont really like mess i was just lazy :lol: but i think i have chilled him out a bit more about it as well. :)

agree with you about not liking other peoples kitchens if they are skanky - i once had to clean out a friends mircowave before i would let him use it for something he was cooking us (it was totaly minging :puke: ) he was most grateful :lol:

yup... trust me..

i love the way i was brought up.. at the age of ten.. i wasnt just in charge of my shared room

i was in charge of the whole house as i was the oldest one!

cooking sunday dinner... making sure the house is clean... making sure the store is open...make sure clothes are washed.. hand washed

thats almost every childs duty back home.. .and when as kids we'll get upset of doing the work... our parents/guardians.. wud say.. ''you wait, it'll make u a better person when ur older'' and they were right!!

its made me the person i am today

my sister already helps me do the washing up :rotfl: shes only

well i wash and shes eager to rinse :lol:
Is there something wrong with hoovering with the nozzle?? :oops: :wink:
tracyM said:
Is there something wrong with hoovering with the nozzle?? :oops: :wink:

he he nothing at all hun!

Sod that :lol: I couldn't handle only thinking about my house being clean! I always tidy everyday but I only do it in the evening when Aaron is in bed. It's pointless cleaning up after him I'd be there all day just picking stuff up! One thing my house isn't is dirty, I can't live with dirt but mess is fine.
my house is a complete tip with toys all over, but I an't bear it being dirty or dusty. I nozzle the carpets about twice a week - I've tried loads of hoovers, but none get right into the carpet like the nozzle does. I'm not a cleanaholic, but I am a nozzleholic (and ironaholic).

I bought a pressure jet washer the other week to do the outside - I have the cleanest walls and paths on the street - even did the garage roof :rotfl: Those things are the BEST
tracyM said:
I bought a pressure jet washer the other week to do the outside - I have the cleanest walls and paths on the street - even did the garage roof :rotfl: Those things are the BEST

though you were goint o say you did the carpets with it :rotfl: now that would make yo a cleanaholic - not to mention a nutter :lol:

Em78 said:
just watched cleanaholics on discovery and the woman on it uses a bottle of bleach on her loo EVERY DAY!

she has never used her oven - her and her daughter go to her mums for breakfast and dinner and her mum even makes her daughters lunchbox everyday! my mum would tell me to F*** Off! :lol: the daughter has to take her choccy bars outside to eat them so she doesnt drop bits :shock:

she uses just the nosel of vac cleaner (no head or anything) and gets on her knees and to vac the carpet so she can be sure its done properly!

anyone on here this clean and tidy or am i just a slob?! :lol:


Sounds like me, except I was a bottle and a half of bleach on my loo :wink:

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