How do i work out when i am o?


New Member
Aug 25, 2008
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I've been told and read that to work out when my ideal time for ovulating is, i should subtrack 14 days from my cycle but i have irregular periods that seem to be getting worse as the months go on and i do not even know when i may be ovulating? Could anyone give me any pointers? I would ask my gyno but i am in the middle of changing them bcus i wasn't really told anything from my old one bar the fact that i have pcos.

If some one could give me any helpfull sites or any info from personal experience then it would be greatly appricated.


:think: not been through this myself, but if it were me i'd probably buy some ovulation test kits and monitor the times you ovulate for the next few months and try to find a pattern in it. (i know the waiting sucks big time!)

not sure if the following will help with an irregular cycle or not but i've used this ovulation calculator before
my periods have always been regular but not to the exact day. it usually varies between 28 and 33 days with me. i used this calculator to get a rough estimate last time we were ttc and we just went mad having sex around that time lol :shhh: :angel:
i managed to fall pregnant that time (but sadly lost baby :( ).
i also read somewhere that you should have sex every other day to increase your chances of conception (alright if you've got the time!)

"The best way to detect ovulation before it happens in an irregular cycle is to evaluate cervical mucus. Ideal conditions for conception occur before and during ovulation. Fertile mucus is checked outside the vagina while wiping after every trip to the bathroom. Fertile mucus is clear, stretchy and lubricative -- almost like thin egg white. It stretches between the fingers. When it appears this way, it's the day to have intercourse."-found that one on google.

i hope this is of some help
good luck :hug:

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