how do I get out of this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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OK last night I got very drunk (AF was here so I figured I have a sneeky drink or two) and I was chatting to my friends and for some reason I suddenly wanted to tell my friend I was ttc so I said to her "when we get a chance can we have a chat just the two of us cos I want to tell you something but you'll think I'm stupid". Fortunately we were in a crowd of people and so we didn't get the chance to talk privately and now soberly I really don't want to tell her or anyone else about ttc (I've always wanted to keep it to myself I don't know what came over me last night). But now I have a problem because she has text today to ask what I wanted to tell her (she was worried I would be moving away or something so I have reassured her that's not the case) but we are having dinner on wednesday and she's is going to want to know what I was on about.

:help: I don't want to lie to her but I do need an excuse to get out of this one (and if it has to be a little white lie so be it). Any ideas girls? Sorry to be bothering you with such a stupid question but I feel like such an idiot.
Hey Hun. Ohhhhhh I have done that twice now!!! I kind of said it but not al together the truth. Just say it's money worries? Or even the I'm nearly 30 worry??
I would have said "eh? I don't remember saying that" and play the drunk card xx
i would play the drunk card to this has helped me so many times lol xxxx
Or say you've been thinking about TTC, not exactly that you are....?
Hey hun, I wud just say your thinking about taking OH away on holiday as a surprise but u can't decide where n need her help n u didn't want a lot of ppl to know incase they let it slip to OH ? X
Thank you girls all very good advice. I was going to play the drunk card and say that I couldn't remember saying anything but she was so worried that I was moving away I had to reassure her it wasn't that. I think I'll go with money worries (who hasn't got them these days) thanks Applecider. Thank goodness I won't be drinking anymore I won't get myself into these situations.
I agree with cosmic girl just say you were too drunk and cant remember :).. Hope it works hunni x
I saw my friend tonight and she immediately asked me what this big secret was so I just said "I just wanted to tell you I love you and I'm so pleased your staying close by" (cos she had been thinking of moving). She just rolled her eyes at me and said "is that it, that's rubbish!" and then laughed at me.

So I think I got away with that one but I really must try to remember to be a grown up. If I want to be a good mummy I can't be getting drunk and spouting rubbish at people :roll:.
Lol! U got away with that one! I'm always moanin I'm skint to my friends!! U are only 3 days ahead of me in this cycle!! Lets hope we get our bfp in June xx
lol just read your thread ive done that many time lol i would of played the drunk card or gone with any of the above lol just shows you how booze can make anyones mouth run away with them and the regret it in the morning lol xxx
I'm glad i'm not the only fool then vicki (not that i'm calling you a fool, oops better dig myself out of that one :oops:)

Yes I saw that Applecider and I think Lander's is about the same. We can keep each other company in the 2WW.
Changing the subject a bit here, but what excuse would you guys give to not drink on a night out when its your two week window? Ive been in this situation the last two cycles and running out of excuses. I told my mum I didn't want to drink on my birthday because I was going home to have a bonfire and didn't want to be drunk, which was half true!!
I'm just trying to drive everywhere at the moment (I've always avoided drinking anything when I'm driving)so that's the easiest way to avoid questions but I've got a hen do next weekend and I won't be driving so not sure how I'll get out of that one. Maybe just buy my own drinks and hope people assume there is alcohol in them.
Yeah thats a good idea, let us know if that one runs smoothly x
hahahahaha dont worry about it i know im a fool lol it happens though just remember that when your drunk pinch yourself everytime you go to open your mouth until you know your safe lmao!!!!!!!!! xxx

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