How did your second labour differ from your first?

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im really interested to know. With Rosie I was in a state of pre-labour for a week with regular contractions that didnt lead anywhere until they really intensified then my waters broke after a good 6 hours of regular contractions.

Im wondering how its going to be different this time and would be interested to hear from you multiple mummies! :)
My two labours couldn't have been more different! K I was in labour 23 hours and pushed for a good 2 hours, E it was about 1h30, contractions started to properly hurt about 40 mins before I had her and she was born 3 minutes after I shouted mum and dad to tell them I thought she was coming! I did like2 small pushes! My contractions never got regular til I like the last 5 mins, they were still like 10 mis apart! With k I was contracting every 5 mins or so right from the start!
Crikey that is chalk and cheese! Thanks MMGAI for sharing that! :)
RM I thought your waters broke the other night? :fib: You've been going a while already then......:nerner:
Princess this is an epic labour already! :lol: Im glad someone noticed that Ive been going for all this time :lol:
No slows here. It's all been duly noted :shakehead:

My mum was 4 hours start to finish with us both, induced with me at 3 weeks late and bang on dd with my sis.
I blimmin hope not Vix! Well Im 1cm dilated already so I hope that all this action today is helping out for a fast and efficient labour! Fingers crossed anyway!
Get o/h to, erm, assist? Worked both times for my pal iykwim? :lol:
Yep done that - have got a seriously painful hip atm though so its a bit more difficult. I think OH is too tired anyway tonight after work :(
Sounds mean but I hope you don't have a faster labour than me! I like having the record on here for fastest labour! The poor young hot ambulance man had never seen a baby born in a bathroom before! Think it was even worse that the room looked like something from the exorcist and he had to take a peek at mu placenta hanging out *voms*
I hope we can still call it 'doing an Alice', defo don't want it called 'doing a mamafy' :rofl:
My 1st I was in labour 23 hours,progressin slowly but surely.

My 2nd I went to hospital thurs morn,2cm dilated,was assured a dinner time baby,1pm,still 2cm dilated so was sent home,went back at 9pm,was 2.5 cms dilated (grrr) was told I'd b checked at 1am,12:15 and I needed to push,was reluctantly checked to discover I was 9.5cm,they broke my waters and he was born at same time...half an hour b4 they were gonna check me!!!

My 3rd I went into hospital at 6pm,was 2-3cms dilated but he was footlin breech (feet first) so had an emergency c-section :( xxx
With my first I think I was in slow labour all week but I had a show and went into hospital at 7.50pm at 7cms dilated and had him at 9.20pm!

My 2nd my waters went at 10pm, I went into hospital at 12am at 5cms dilated and had him at 2am!

Pretty quick labours!
with my first i was induced at 42+2 and had an 8 hour labour.

with my 2nd, she came after a sweep and was out in 1 and a half hours xx
I really hope labours do get quicker!! I don't wanna do an Alice though!! Lol
2 hours 24 mins with Jacob wonder what it will be this time lol

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i had a 3 day induction with dd resulting in emrg csection so this time round iv decided im going to have a gentle 5 hour labour please lols

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