How did you "know" it was a boy/girl?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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With #1 and #2, I had a lot of the stereotypical symptoms that made me fairly certain of what I was having.

With #1 (boy) I craved salty/spicy foods, lots of pickles and cheese etc. Sweets sounded HORRID, I couldn't stomach juice etc. Gained weight all over my body. And I ate and ate and ate and just couldn't get enough food in me.

#2 (girl) I CRAVED orange juice and actually liked chocolate. Most of my weight was in a tiny little ball straight out in front in my belly. Appetite was much more controllable!

This time I am confused. I FEEL like it will be a boy...for no particular reason other than I just think that's what I will get. I'm kind of craving the spicy/salty AND sweet stuff this time. And I feel like I'm MUCH less hungry than I was with my boy. BUT - much less sick than with either of my first two, which leads me to feel it might be a boy - I was much worse off with my girl.

What were your boy/girl symptoms?
I just kept dreaming it was a little girl! and just felt in my gut it was a little girl :) x
Im having a boy and my symptoms are...

bump all to the front, cannot tell im pregnant from back
was salty/savoury at start now eat lots of sweets so a mixture really
lots of sickness at start of pregnancy
my appetite was terrible at start, i would hardly eat but now i eat loads
hair growth has slowed right down,especially on my legs
I had no idea whatsoever, I didn't get "that" feeling, I think it's amazing though and would love to feel that! OH's mummy and granny guessed right away x
this is my first, and my symptoms seem to be a real mix,

didnt really have morning sickness, was only queasy
dont really have any cravings (oh wants them to start soon so he can laugh at me :-()
not tired, but not sleepy
and my bump is forming all out front!

oh wants a boy, id like a boy, and my nan said it has to be a boy as then she'll have one of each as great grandchildren!

any guesses??? dont have 20week scan till 24th march and ill be 21 weeks by then!
We always knew we we're having a boy because the men in my OH's family don't have girls! lol

I also have just a tiny bump and nobody can tell i'm pregnant from the back. My hair has also stopped growing so quickly!! x
I had all the typical girl traits;
Hair grew loads (all over!)
Bump out front
Craved sweets
Sickness really bad especially at the beginning and then at start of Tri 3

I was so convinced I was having a girl I bought a purple pram!

Seeing a little pair of balls coming towards me as he arrived and they placed him on my chest was a bit of a shock!
This is interesting to read! My hair is growing super quick and i've craved sweet things like fruit and chocolate, but oh is convinced it's a boy... hmmm! :)
I'm having a girl and I felt that straight away told everyone they all laughed at me but I was right!!

But my symptoms have been all over!

Wasn't sick at all I was constantly hungry and ate like a horse at the beginning I have gained weight elsewhere but I do have a very sticky out big bump

Craved meat and cheese at first then I have craved fruit all the way through

Hair hasn't grown as much on my legs

Skin was terrible in the first tri
I have no idea how i knew lol. Everyone seemed to be having boys so i said i'll have a little girl and she was :)
I just felt she was a girl, my mam was sure she was and my OH thought she was - and she is! Or as far as they can be sure, we'd all be pretty shocked if a boy popped out at the end! The only thing that would suggest a girl is the craving of sweet things, but tbh I am always like that so don't think it can be blamed on baby.
I had no idea, just before I found out I started thinking boy. And I was wrong lol.
I'm convinced its a boy, and have been from the start, just had a feeling - but when I do any of the predictor things I have both boy/girl indicators swaying more to a girl!!

Will find out on Wednesday, hopefully, so can let you know if gut feeling was correct!!
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I was absolutely convinced that I was having a boy! Kept dreaming about a boy and had the name chosen and fell in love with the baby boy clothes in the shop. I had a mixture of symptoms. Severe morning sickness and diarrhoea for 5 months. Loved twiglets dipped in hummus in the beginning and a craving for chocolate towards the end of the pregnancy.

Then the scan showed I was having a girl! :-) and I love every bit of her.
I was positive I was having a boy , I didn't find out though. But I was so convinced I took a blue sleep suit into the delievery room . I had a beautiful baby girl :) .
I have a feeling that Pickle will be a boy, only because when refering to baby I keep saying he. We're staying team yellow so got to wait until october to find out!
I just knew with my 1st 3 and was right and i have carried exactly the same with all just a little bump at the front. then with my 4th and 5th i got totally wrong was convinced they were the other sex and when they were born i was pleasantly suprised, i just didn;t think i could be that lucky to go boy, girl, boy, girl, boy.
I was convinced it would be a boy from day 1 & still am, even though a 17wk scan confirmed shes a girl!
Ive had major sickness (supposed to indicate a girl) But cravings for salty, cheese & sour & hate sweet stuff now used to choose choc every time but cant abide it now :( which is supposed to be signs of a boy!x
I have no idea lol, I'd say I have more of the girl signs than the boy signs, like I'm craving fruit and love anything sweet but have gone off things like bread and stuff. I was horribly sick until a couple of weeks ago too.

My friends seem to think I'm having a boy, but none of them no why lol

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