How did you all tell your folks?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Just wondering how you all went about telling your parents - if you've told them?
And how they took the news?

Piglet xx
hello :wave: i havent told anyone yet, and am petrified of telling my parents, ive always said i didnt want any babies, and now i am having one im thrilled, im 25 and have my own place with my b/f so its not a worry. its scary telling them, got no idea when i am going to and how, im sure they will be happy for us, Scary stuff!!!
have you told your parents?
:wave: congrats 1st of all :hug:

i'm 19 and will be 20 when i give birth

well it wasn't really that long ago... my mum just knew anyway because i didn't come on my period and where timed.. but when i found out i didn't tell her straight away.. then i said i wa going to the doctors to find out ( even those i knew :roll: ) but i went to the doctors to get my 12 weeks scan booked. and then i told her she wasn't a tall happy, we didn't speak for along time, she's just come round to the idea that she's going to be a granny :lol:

i told the rest of my family round christmas time and they where kind of supportive but they know there is nothing that they can do really..

my dad does not have a clue.. i don't really see him that much but he'll find out soon

but everyone's fine now... there will be to new family member this year :cheer: my aunties pregnant to

have you told your parents the good news??
I'm going to wait until my dating scan and then get lots of copies of the picture (photocopies if necessary). Then I'm going to send every member of my family one in separate envelopes in the post. I'm going to stick little speech bubbles next to the fetus saying "hi Nanny, can't wait to meet you in 6 months!" and grampy, uncle, etc.
Will be so cool, can't wait!!!
Well no, I havn't told mine yet.

I'm petrified!!! I'm 27, just bought my own house, and have been with OH for 3 years (on and off) and to be honest, he is a complete fruit loop. But I love him so much, the only man I have ever loved, and yes it was love at first site. He has treated me awful when I look back over the years, and my family hate him for it! Anyway, this year we got engaged, and everything was going well, until I miscarried in September 06 - then he dumped me. Less than a week later!!! Anyway after a lot of anger and tears and apologies I took him back because he said he was just upset about the baby, and he wanted one more than anything, and now...... I got my BFP...... and he dumped me again!!! So I am on my own.

I just know that when I tell my folks, my whole family are going to hit the roof, and try and talk me into abortion (which I would never do!) but I am dreading the hassle, but at the same time, I need my family!!

Oh what a flippin mess eh?

Piglet xx

(love your idea KJ!)
Lol this thread made me laugh as telling my parents was the first thing i asked people about when i joined the forum.
This is my first post:
Hi there, im 20 years old (21 in less than a month) and im almost 11 weeks pregnant wiht my first child. My partner is 33 and we have been living together for nearly 1 year now. I have my first ultrasound booked for next thursday.
I was just wondering if anyone else was in their early 20's when they had their first child? and if so how/when did you tell your parents you were pregnant?
Im terrified of telling my mother im pregnant, and want to tell her over the phone (just after the ultrasound) just in case she has a disappointed look on her face. my mother had her first child at 17 and im afraid she will lecture me on the pitfalls of having a baby when you are young. Im starting a degree in midwifery next year so its not as if having a baby will stop me having a career. Im planning to tell her the pregnancy was unplanned (it was actually planned ) but that we are extremely happy about the news.
Anyone got any good advice?

and this is what i posted just after i had told them:
YIPPEE I JUST TOLD MY PARENTS ! im sooooooo relieved thats over with! My mum was shocked but happy, and my dad said he knew because i looked fat (what a charmer eh!). Although my sister got really upset and refused to speak to me, which really upset me and has kept me crying for the last 1hr or so ! She sent me a text saying she was just shocked because i was her baby sister, and that she was happy if i was, which made me feel so much better. however im still very emotional and crying loads of relief tears. Going to see them tomorrow to show them the scan photo.
My OH told his parents too, although his mum actually guessed what it was before he said anything. they are both really pleased, especially his mum who is so excited to me a grandma ( think she had giving up all hope as my OH was getting on!)
But all in all im really pleased how things have gone, and feel like ive lifted such a weight from my shoulders

For all those that are afraid to tell their parents, please don't worry. I was petrified of doing it but even if your parents are unhappy with the idea they will come around to it, and you'll be laughing at what you were so scared of by the time the baby comes and they are being spoiled by your parents. :D
when I was preggie the 1st time I told EVERYONE straight away, then I m/c at 9 wks and had to tell everyone which was awful, this time we only told a few people and then waited until passed the 12 wk stage, spose it's a bit easier for me as I dont see my family very often so they couldnt notice the telltale changes, (like having head stuck down toilet and falling asleep everywhere!!!) they did begin to get suspicious when I changed my mind about going back to the UK for xmas though, they were all really chuffed for us as we'd been trying for a while.

I now have to email a weekly photo of my bump so that they can 'be involved' sweet eh.
KJ said:
I'm going to wait until my dating scan and then get lots of copies of the picture (photocopies if necessary). Then I'm going to send every member of my family one in separate envelopes in the post. I'm going to stick little speech bubbles next to the fetus saying "hi Nanny, can't wait to meet you in 6 months!" and grampy, uncle, etc.
Will be so cool, can't wait!!!

what a lovely idea...

we just sat our parents down and told them.... quite dull really - they were thrilled, both my parents cried and so did DH's mum! But we are both 30, been together 5 1/2 years, married etc.... so not a lot for them to object to really.
KJ said:
I'm going to wait until my dating scan and then get lots of copies of the picture (photocopies if necessary). Then I'm going to send every member of my family one in separate envelopes in the post. I'm going to stick little speech bubbles next to the fetus saying "hi Nanny, can't wait to meet you in 6 months!" and grampy, uncle, etc.
Will be so cool, can't wait!!!

what a lovely idea...

we just sat our parents down and told them.... quite dull really - they were thrilled, both my parents cried and so did DH's mum! But we are both 30, been together 5 1/2 years, married etc.... so not a lot for them to object to really.
like neeko ill be 20 when i give birth

i told my parents after my dating scan. at 7+4.

i photocopied the scan piccie and framed them. then wrapped them up and gave them out.

my parents were a little suprised but took it quite well :)
This time around I had to tell my parents over the internet (via webcam!) as we live in the Middle East now. They were delighted if a little shocked as our first baby is 16 months old and it took us a very long time to conceive with him (3 and a half years to be precise!) and we were all kind of thinking he may be an only child. So we are very happy!! The first time I rang my mum on her mobile about ten mins after I did the test as I was so excited. She cried and so did i!!! My hubby and I had started having tests to check our fertility etc and she knew all about it so we were all pleased!
I hope you are not nervous. And I also hope that they will receive the news well. Best of luck let us know how it goes xxx
I told my parents the day of my first (early) scan at 6 weeks. I was a bit scared of telling them too and thought "the sooner the better" so they could get used to the idea. They are fine about it now. :)

Sorry to hear about your ups and downs with your OH Piglet. I hope he comes around to the idea of the baby and you get back together... if that's what you want.


hi hun so sorry you are having a bad time :hug:

With my first pregnancy i didnt want to tell my parents at all in the end even though we has split up my ex told my parents and i got kicked out (long story -but i wont go in to it now). They tried to get me to have an abortion too.
Anyway now im pregnant again im terrified of my parents knowing but im in a stable relationship and when we do tell them next week after scan we are prepared for anything they throw at us.

If you want to chat at all just PM me anytime. Take care :hug: :hug:
Told the entire world on August the 2nd - after testing positive that morning - so I was 5 weeks 8)

I'm 27 and I was petrified of telling my parents but they were thrilled - my mum cried! The whole family cannot wait to meet her :hug:
Well I did it! I told my mom! lol

After my horrible experience of the docs not letting me in coz I was 4 minutes late, I got home all upset and told my mom.
She was very very nice about it, said she had a feeling I was, and just hugged me for ages.

But she did say "Lets not tell your father just yet!" lol

So at least its in the open, and I have got support! Thanks for your storys everyone! xxx
I'm glad it went so well, it's really good that you've got her to support and look after you, especially with all the problems you've had with your man recently.
I can't believe how mean your doctor was to not let you in!! As if they've never kept people waiting for 4 minutes!
Hey everyone am not pregnant but just read all the posts, my friend sent her mum a helium balloon of a baby to her work. In the card it said something along the lines of

"Hello Nanny cant wait to meet you in XXX times"

I really like that idea (But be quite expensive to do it to all your family!!!)

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