How did you all break the news?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Hello ladies, I'm a bit of a loss with how to tell the folks and brothers? We decided we cant keep it a secret anymore so i'm telling them this weekend, but how? My OH told his folks seperately this weekend and told his dad by just saying, how do you fancy being a grandad and he just handed the scan photo over to his mum and said what do you think of this? I don't thinl either would be ideal for my folks though. I know they'll be shocked as we've only been together 15 months, living with each other for 11 months are still pretty young and not in the best place to settle down. I also have the issue of telling my bro and sis in law who really want another kid, but have had 3 miscarrages within the last year so it'll be bittersweet, espec as this baby wasnt planned. Any advice?
We told my OH's Parents the day we found out because we knew we wouldn't be able to wait 12 weeks. We just went round for dinner and told them. This s their 1st Grandchild so altough they were shocked they were very excited!

I'm not close to my Mum & Step Dad so I called them and told them over the phone. They too are pleased for us.

I guess you just tell you Parents and Brother how you feel is best.

I just blurted it out straight away lol had a mc a few month before so everyone was wary good luck xxx
There is a really long story about how we told both our parents lol

The short version is

OH's parents live 70 miles away so we went to theirs on a Friday purposely to tell them. We had told my 11 old when we picked him up from school that day and as we all know there are no secrets with kids so we needed to tell them before DS told everyone!!

We got there had coffee and are watching TV when OH said are you watching this Mum? Cos I have something to tell you. Straight away she answered "Donn's pregnant!" then her next comment was "I like babies!" his Dad (as blokes do) just congratulated us but was pretty quiet

OH had been worrying himself silly over telling them lol

It's not my first so telling my parents was not scarey - they were more pleased for OH than me as it's his first.

Scarey part for me was telling my cousin. She miscarried at 20 weeks in Jan this year and I went thru every step with her - I saw all her hurt and pain and did my best to lessen it for her. So telling her was the hardest but she was over the moon for us - she knew we had been trying for four year tho.

To me the direct approach is always best!

Good luck however you decided to tell your family hun and just remember there are worse things in the world than babies (meaning there are worse things you could be telling your family you have done!!!!) x
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I told my mum on the phone and she started crying with happiness! And my OH told his parents they were really pleased to. This was before my 12 week scan to. x

Good luck with telling them hun i'm sure they will be over the moon.
Your the same age as me hun but the difference is i had been with my OH since school but we had only just moved in together and then i found out i was pregnant - we moved in Aug 09 and i fell pregnant in September :lol:. I belive that everything is ment to be! As long as your happy with the pregnancy then i'm sure your parents will be over the moon! I wouldn't worry about your brother and SIL, one of my closest friends was TTC for 2 years and when i told her she was so happy for me, then 3 months later she found out she was expecting too! Good luck with this pregnancy :D how far gone are you? xx
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Thanks :), I'll prob just blurt it out, i know they'll be both shocked i'm just dreading the awkward hour or whatever when it's sinking in. They both love kids and i'm just hoping that my mum will be so excited that she'll tell everyone else so it's less hassle and i dont have to worry about how other people will react. I'm 12 weeks 4 today :)
Mine was a bit hectic... waited for mum to go out to her friends, and my dad to leave (he has moved back in with his mum for 'space' but still comes round all the time) coz i didnt really expect to actually get a Pregnant result. Then me and OH went and did it upstairs.

I couldnt keep it in an needed to tell them straight away and together so had to try get them back at home! Called my dad an said i need him to come home (he had already had 3 brandys oops) and got naggy that i wouldnt tell him what was going on... Went to pick my mum up and she guessed as soon as she got in the car! As for my dad he came in like a maniac he thought i had caught my mum in bed with someone else!! Hahaha. That broke the ice a bit and we had a giggle about that... pheww xxx
The funniest reaction I got was from my Grandad. He's 87 and when we told him he patted me on the head and said 'good girl'! Like I was a 5 year old with a good school report!! Made me laugh bless him! :)

Haha Clairebear thats soo funny... Gotta love grandparents xxx

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